Chapter 56

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"Thank you again for ordering pizza tonight, babe." I say grateful as I carry our dishes to the sink to be washed.
"You're welcome, babe." He paused for a moment before saying "let me wash those, you've had a long day."
I look at him and smile and say politely "babe, you've done so much for me in the last 12 hours and it means the world to me having you here. You just bought dinner, let me at least do this." I pleaded with him.
"Okay, well I'll dry then." As he grabs the dish rag and grabs the clean plate from my hand. I smile at him.
"Thank you, Eli." He returns my smile.
"How about once we're finished with the dishes, we watch a movie on Netflix?" I love his idea!
"That would be great!"
As we sit on the coach I groan. "Emma what's wrong?" His voice is laced with concern.
"I'm okay, I just realized tomorrow is Monday and I have to go to the studio. I don't want to go!"
He smirks at me. "Why not? I thought you love the studio."
"I do, but I love you more! I don't want to go in!"
Eli was in thought for a minute.
"How about this, I go with you tomorrow. And besides you've got to tell them you're moving to Chicago with me."
Eli has a point. "You're right. Come with me tomorrow!" I got a gleam to my eye and got excited. He laughed and put his arm around me.
He turned on to my surprise, a chick flick. He put on the Ugly Truth. I didn't realize how tired I was and fell asleep on Eli's shoulder. He picked me up over the threshold and tucked me in bed. When contact was broken I woke up. "Eli?"
"Babe, I'm here. I'm just going to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." He kisses my forehead before leaving my room.
I don't drift back to sleep until he comes back. He smiles at me and rolls down the blankets on his side of the bed. He kisses me gently before I lay my head on his chest. "I love you, Emma."
"I love you, Eli. Goodnight." I say softly. I listen to his heartbeat and drift to sleep.

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