Chapter 41

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I know I've been in the shower a long time. I hear Ms. Oliver using her broomstick on the the ceiling and shouting at me. Plus, the water is getting cold. I hear light knocks on the door. "Emma, please come out."
I turn off the water and wrap my towel around my chest and put a towel in my hair.
I unlock the door and walk past Eli without making eye contact.
"So you're not talking to me now?"
I don't answer because I don't know what to say.
"Emma you have to understand my position of you possibly being pregnant and for all I know it can be with some other guy." I had it and I snapped.
"No! You don't get to make that judgment of me. I was the one who left because you had a girlfriend or whatever. I came here and focused on my job and didn't have anyone to talk to but Annie and Johnathan. I kept to myself and you're the one over here making accusations! You're the only one I have ever been with." He just stares at me and closes the distance between us quickly and kisses me. I try to fight kissing him back, but my senses overtake my mind and I kiss him. He leans his head against my forehead. "I'm sorry." And kisses my nose.
My smile is small and I walk to my closet for a new outfit to wear. Eli watches me closely and clears his throat "I guess I'll wait for you in the living room." And walks out before I can answer.

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