Chapter 7

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After getting off the phone with Gracie, my stomach was in a knot. I haven't been to a party since that night. I feel a panic attack coming on. I don't think I can handle this.
Just as I was about to call Gracie back, my phone rings and it's Annie.
With a quivering voice I answer "Annie?"
"Emma, what's wrong?" Her voice is laced with concern.
"I got invited to a party tonight. I can't do it. I can't go."
With a sigh of relief Annie says "you need to go. You can't live in fear. I'm sure everything will be fine. Don't worry! Just take deep breaths."
I do as she says and feel a wave of comfort finally come over me.
When she hears I finally calm down she says "who invited you? Was it a hot guy?" I can hear the curiosity in her voice.
"No, but it was a hot guys sister." Her shriek of excitement is undeniable.
"Who cares about the sister! Tell about this guy?"
"There's not much to tell. He's arrogant and rude. I doubt him and I will become lifelong friends talking over bon-bons in the future."
With a giggle she says "do you think he may be attracted to you is why he is so arrogant?"
"Annie, there's no chance in hell that, that's the case."
"I really can't wait for this to be an "I told you so" moment. I can just see it now."
I'm rolling my eyes so hard.
"You couldn't be more wrong."
"Em, I gotta go. Johnathan is calling for me to come back to bed. Tell me how the party goes! Miss you!" And hangs up.
I glance at the clock and see I have about 2 hours before Gracie and Ruby come. I decide to take a nap to prepare myself for what tonight may bring.

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