Chapter 55

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Eli ordered us a pizza to be delivered and I'm so hungry! I could seriously eat a horse.
My head is on Eli's lap and he's stroking my hair.  I turn to look at him.
"I've been thinking..." and he cuts me off with a sarcastic "uh-oh." I giggle and he smiles.
"Really, I was thinking about what you said earlier when we were in the bathroom. About one of us moving."
"You were? What are your thoughts?" He asked me without trying to put too much pressure.
"I think it would be best for us to move to Chicago. I mean all I have here is Annie and she isn't talking to me. I'm not making a knee jerk decision. I think it would be best. And the baby would have his or her aunt and grandparents too. I want our baby to be surrounded by love and family." He looks at me with adoration and kisses me. He accepts my answer and deepens the kiss until the door is knocked on. This time he groans.
"I'll get it Eli." I kiss him once more before going to the door.
I open the door and it's the pizza. FINALLY! I guess Eli could smell the cheesy goodness and started walking toward the door. I go into the mud room and grab my wallet and Eli stops me and takes out his cash and pays the delivery man. He takes the pizza and brings it into the kitchen.
"I wish you would have let me pay." I say.
"Babe, you are never going to pay. End of discussion."
I sigh and tell him "I don't want anyone thinking I can't support us too. I want to contribute and help pay." He smiles. "Maybe one day." And kisses my nose. He turns and grabs the plates and gives me a slice and him a slice. We sit at the table and eat. He looks over at me and starts laughing.
"What's so funny?" He laughs more.
"Emma, slow down. You're getting sauce all over your face. You even have a little on the tip of your nose." He continues to laugh and take the napkin to my face.
I laugh with him. "Thank you, babe. I'm just so hungry!!"
"I would be worried if you weren't considering you've hardly eaten today and our peanut would starve."
I look at him and am about to cry.
"Why are you starting to cry?" His voice laced with concern.
"They're not sad tears! They're happy tears! You called our baby, peanut." He chuckles and wipes the escaped tear.
"You're going to keep me on my toes with your mood swings the next 9 months."
"I know." And giggle and wipe another tear.
As we finish up eating, I decide to talk to Eli about the baby.
"Baby, what do you want? A boy or a girl?"
"Either. I just want our baby to be healthy."
I smile at his answer.
"Regardless of the gender, I want our baby to have your mindset and kindness." Eli looks at me when I said that and gave a small smile.
"Babe, I've only become this way because of you. You've brought out the best in me." His words warm my heart.
"Gosh, you make me love you so much more!" I take his face in my hands and kiss him.
He smiles into my kiss. This is bliss.

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