Chapter 54

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I feel terrible and like I caused a fight between Eli and Gracie. I guess we really should have waited to tell her our news. I walk toward the kitchen about 5 minutes after Eli does. I have no idea what he's making me tonight. I go into the doorway and I see him at the stove cooking. I can see his muscular frame through his shirt. I bite my lip, liking what I see.
He senses my presence and turns around.
"Do you like what you see?" And smirks at me. I walk toward him slowly and say "mhm. Very much." He's standing still waiting for me to get to him. As soon as I'm in arms reach he pulls me toward him not allowing the distance and kisses me. He lifts me up and sets me on the counter. Just as things were getting heated, we smelled dinner burning.
Eli frantically goes to the stove and moves the food off of the burner. I think he was making spaghetti. I laugh at him. He has a crease in his forehead and turns and looks at me. "How about I take you out tonight?"
I look at him and shake my head "let's stay in tonight."
He chuckles. "As you wish baby. But you're still eating. You have my baby inside you and I need to make sure you're both taken care of."
I salute him "aye, aye cap!"
"Sarcasm doesn't fit you, baby." And kisses me.
My phone starts ringing breaking us a part. I go to ignore it, but Eli saw it's Annie.
"Babe, answer it. You need to talk to her." I huff.
I do as I'm told and answer.
"Emma! Gracie just told me you're pregnant! How could you tell her before you told me?"
With that I hop off the counter and walk toward the living room.
"Annie, you need to calm down."
"Calm down? Really? I thought we were best friends who told each other everything!"
I start getting upset. "We do! Gracie was here and we told her. She is Eli's sister. Why are you so mad at me for that?"
"You know what, Emma? Johnathan was right. Ever since the whole situation with Ryan and Damien, you've changed. I don't even know you anymore." And hung up on me.
Eli was standing behind me.
"Is everything okay."
I turn around. I look at him and I refuse to cry for the third time today. I'm an emotional train wreck. I shake my head and say "no."
He comes over to the couch and makes me sit beside him.
"What happened?" I play with my fingers.
"Gracie told Annie about me being pregnant and is mad I didn't tell her first. Then she went on to say that ever since the thing with Ryan and Damien happened I'm not the same person and that she was siding with Johnathan on that." I sigh.
Eli is mad. More mad than the time we got into a fight in Denmark. He grabs his keys and heads for the door. I yell and run behind him "where are you going?"
"No one talks to you that way. Ever. Seems that Johnathan is putting things in your friends mind. It's not right so I'm going to make it right." He tries to continue on. I grab his arm and get him to turn around and look at me.
"Please don't go. If she doesn't want to be in my life then so be it. I have all I need. You and our baby." He sighs. "Okay." Is all he can muster up to say and comes back with me to the apartment. All I can feel is relief. I can't handle much more today.

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