Chapter 91

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I can't believe Eli and Jonathan are fighting... again. It's so frustrating. I sit on the bed and sit criss-crossed and play with my fingers. I hear the door open but I don't look up. I know it's Eli.
"Emma..." and he gets cut off by his phone ringing. He groans and answers it and the phone's on speaker.
"Eli, it's your father. You know better than to answer my calls that way."
He lets out a sarcastic huff and responds even more sarcastic.
"Hi dad! Is that better for you or?..."
"Eli James! Watch it. You're needed at an emergency meeting. Get down here. NOW!"
Great... he's leaving. I feel sad because I don't want to be here by myself. Eli let's out an annoyed groan.
"Emma I'm so sorry for what you saw. And I'm so sorry I have to go. You're safe here. Keep the door locked and I'll be home as soon as I can. I love you." He kisses the top of my head and walks out. I really don't want him to go. I'm having separation anxiety bad. I heard the door close and hear it lock.
I sit on the bed for a few minutes and start panicking. I put my boots on really quickly and go as fast as I can through the apartment trying to get out and get to Eli. Maybe I can just go with him. I can't get the door open. It's like the lock is stuck. I start to freak out. Once the door opens. I hurry down the hall to the elevator and press the button to the lobby over and over in hopes it'll get be there quicker.
I get there and he's already gone. I start to cry some more.
The receptionist comes over to me "Emma, are you alright?"
I look at her and say "no, can you call a cab for me... please." Without question, she did.
I'm sitting outside still teary eyed waiting impatiently for the cab to get here. 15 minutes later the cab finally comes and I get in. I tell the driver to take me to Brink Enterprises.
I pay the cab fair and hurriedly go into the building. I'm told I need to go up to the top floor and meet with the receptionist and be told where to go from there.
Once I'm there I look around and notice everyone in suits and dressed to the nines. I'm here in a hoodie and have a black and blue face. I didn't think this through.
I sniffle and go to the desk "I'm here to see Eli."
She laughs at me. "Looking like that? Honey, Eli only dates tens and you're a measly 3. And black and blue isn't your color. If he wanted to see you, you'd know. Please see your way out."
My tears start to brim around the edges and put my hand on my cheek in embarrassment. She clearly doesn't know a thing.
"Go on and cry honey. No one is going to give into your pity party. You need to leave before I call security." She smiles a devious smile and rolls her eyes.
Just as I'm about to turn and walk away I hear "Emma, what are you doing here?" It's Eli. The receptionist chimes in "Eli, I knew you didn't want her here. I've told her to leave or I'd call security." He responds very dry "don't ever do that to her again! She's my girlfriend." She was shocked "oh, my apologies." Thank goodness he's here! He comes over to me and puts his hands on my cheeks "are you okay? Are you hurt?" I shake my head really quick "I can't be there by myself. I can't. Please don't make me go back there by myself." He looks at me with sincere eyes. "Come with me." He guides me to his office and I sit on the couch and sits beside me pulling me close. We sit in silence for a while.
My head is on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around me. Moments later "are you okay, babe?"
I exhale and move to make eye contact with him and say "I am now. But please don't leave me in that apartment again."
"Em, you'll have to be left alone there sometimes until I find us a new place to live. I have to work."
He says it sincerely and with regret.
I sniffle and look down... my voice cracks when I say "I know... I'm just really scared to be there without you." And I look up at him.
He sighs and puts his forehead against mine. "You can't let fear overtake you, babe." I don't say anything in response.
"Easier said than done." I laugh lightly and play with my fingers. Eli places his hand over my fingers and says "until we get our new place, let's have you go to my parents house and hangout with Gracie." He's trying. I nod my head and say "okay." He kisses me and I return it without hesitation. He pulls away and looks at me with hope in his eyes and we are interrupted by the speaker on his office phone "Eli, I apologize for interrupting, but you're needed back in the meeting." He groans. "I'll be in there in a minute." He rolls his eyes and I giggle. He stands and says "will you be okay to wait here until I'm finished with the meeting?"
I smile and say "of course." He leans down and kisses me before he tells me loves me and walks out of his office closing the door behind him.

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