Chapter 2

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When my flight was finally called, I knew I was really doing this. I'm not sure what I'm going to experience abroad, but I just need to go through the motions.
The flight is about 15 hours and the constant crying and screaming of little kids is going to give me a headache. I'm just going to sit back with my headphones in and try to zone out the noise.
Time seemed to go so fast. I check my phone and notice we have about an hour left. I never can sleep on planes. I am too aware of my surroundings and crowds. Crowds freak me out and make my nerves go crazy.
I decide to ask the flight attendant for a bottle of water and some peanuts.
When we reach the airport in Denmark, I quickly grabbed my carry-on and exited the plane to get my luggage.
Apparently I was in too much of a hurry and bumped into someone knocking over their coffee from the airport cafe. "I am so sorry! I didn't see you!" The man was so handsome with beautiful green eyes and brown hair that slicked back. "Watch where you're going." And stormed off. This guy fit the stereotype of being good looking with a horrible attitude.
My jaw was on the floor. I was left speechless which does not happen often.
On a huff I make it a mission to get my luggage and get a taxi to take me to the nearest hotel.

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