Chapter 21

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I hear a knock at the door and get up to open it. I open the door and see Eli. I give him a small smile since I didn't think he would really show after Gracie and Ruby saw us.
He's the first one to break the silence "you look beautiful. Ready to be swept off your feet?"
I giggle and put my arm through his.
I wonder what he has planned for tonight.

As we exit the lobby doors, he brings me over to the passenger side and opens the door for me. He makes sure I'm settled before closing the door and walking to the drivers side.
He turns the key in the ignition and starts driving. I know they say curiosity kills the cat, but I can't help it.

"Where are you taking me?"
He glances and smirks at me. Gosh he's so handsome!
"It's a surprise."
"I'm terrible with surprises. Please tell me?" And I give my best pouting face.
"Oh no, not the puppy dog face..." on a shrug he still says "I'm not ruining the surprise! Tonight is about you and having fun and a proper date."
I inwardly smile and give up.
I just look out the window and watch the cars town. I feel eyes on me and face Eli and he smirks.
My heart is racing. I fidget it in my seat and play with my fingers. He notices and grabs one of my hands and rubs his thumb in circles.
Moments later, the car comes to a stop and Eli rushes out of the car to open my door. He's being such a gentleman!
He helps me out of the car and puts his hand on the small of my back leading me to a very reserved section of a restaurant.
The restaurant is beautiful and looks super expensive!
The host brings us to our table and Eli pulls out my chair prompting me to sit. When he is seated himself, the host hands us our menus. I look at Eli and he is already looking at the menu, I make sure ask "are you sure this is okay? This is really expensive."
Eli smiles and says "I'm positive! Order whatever you want." And lightly grabs my hand from across the table. My heart melts at his sweet gesture. I smile sweetly and say "okay."

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