Chapter 69

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He left. Just like that. I'm left sitting on the bed already wishing he was home. I decide to lounge around most of the day and wait for Eli to call me. I know he's had a busy day ahead of him.
My morning sickness has been awful since he left. I can hardly keep anything down. I decide that I am going to look up a book store so I can find material on pregnancy. It's not going to hurt to do research. I used google and it turns out the apartment is about a mile from a Barnes and Noble. I quickly shower and get ready to go. Before heading out of the apartment I send Eli a text telling him I love him and that I can't wait for him to come home.
I decide to walk to the book store so I can take in some fresh air. The city is just as crowded as NYC. I'm not sure if the people are more friendly though. I make it to the door of the book store within 15 minutes. I go directly to the parenting section and pick up "What to Expect When You're Expecting" and other books as well. I spent about 30 minutes looking and luckily left with 5 different books. I check out at the register and decide to take a taxi back to the apartment. The ride seemed to take forever. I check my phone and I still haven't heard anything from Eli. I decide to call him. He answers on the second ring.
"Yeah?" He was very cut and dry sounding.
I quietly respond "uhh, hi."
"Everything good?" My heart hurt.
"Yeah..." is all I can muster up to say.
"Good. I gotta go. Talk later." And hung up.
Not even an I love you? My stomach was in more knots. The driver pulls up to the apartment and I pay my fair and get out of the taxi. I make it all the way up to the apartment and sit on the couch and cry. Nothing says perfect timing like Gracie calling. I don't answer. She calls non-stop, but I'm too upset.
I keep rejecting her calls. The tears are so strong. I can't stop crying.
My phone starts ringing again and it's Eli. I don't answer him either. The way he treated me was terrible. I let it ring and go to voicemail. He calls again and I still don't answer. He's been sending me texts too asking if I'm okay. I don't reply to them either. I guess I'm being over dramatic, but I'm pregnant and hormonal. I was spoken to as a friend verses girlfriend... verses the mother of his child. The calls and texts eventually stop, but then I hear fussing outside of the apartment. It sounds like Gracie and Eli. Eli opens the door and says "Emma?" I guess I finally have to face the music and get up and go to the loft. He rushes to me "God, Em! I've been worried sick!" He hugs me, but I don't hug back. Gracie chimes in and says "you need to answer when I call you because your boyfriend will become a psycho." I just nod my head and cross my arms. The tension in the room can be cut with a knife. Eli speaks up and says "Gracie, can you give us some privacy." She nods her head and says "yeah, sure." And goes into the living room.
"Do you want to tell me what's got you all mad and upset?"
I let out a small sigh and look at the floor. He in return sighs and tilts my chin up for him to look at me.
"Baby, please tell me." Softly and concerned. As my Eli.
I start to cry. "Hey, hey, hey, Em. What's going on?" As he pulls me into a hug and this time I return it.
I eventually pull away to wipe some tears and Eli stops me so he can do it.
"Please tell me what's wrong." I hear the concern and persuasion in his voice.
I sniffle and say softly "you have been so hateful toward me today. I don't even know what I did wrong." He looked at me in deep thought. Then sighed.
"I'm sorry, baby. I told you, my dad really gets under my skin, but that's no reason for me to be ugly to you. Please forgive me." He really does look sorry. "Please?"
I bite my lip before nodding my head.
"Thank you." And then leans down to whisper in my ear "you know what lip biting does to me." I gasp and look at him and he has a smirk on his face. He leans in and kisses me. There's a rush in this kiss, like he's needed it all day. Just like I have. We just need each other. That's it. He lifts me up so my legs are wrapped around his waist. He goes to bring me to our room, but a throat clears and we pull a part. Gracie.
She says "well, love birds, I'm leaving so you can carry on." And smirks before walking out. I put my face in his neck to hide in embarrassment. He chuckles and continues to our room before closing the door.

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