Chapter 62

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We are on our way to the airport and all I feel is nauseous. I've been emptying my stomach all morning prior to leaving. Eli says I look super pale and it's concerning him. I told him not to worry. Eli has kept his hand on my thigh rubbing it in small circles.
I'm nibbling on crackers to see if it will help. It hardly does. I'm also feeling worried because Gracie is meeting us there and I haven't seen her since the blow up over my pregnancy. We pull into a spot and walk up to the car rental section at the airport. We turn in the rentals keys and walk the rest of the way to the airport.
We check in and as we are about to sit and wait for our flight to be called, Gracie hollers my name "Emma!" I look over at her and she hugs me and says "I'm so sorry for what I said! I should have believed you!" I pull away and look at her. "It's okay." I say softly.
"Thank goodness!" She says with a sigh of relief and giggles. I sit down and feel another wave of nausea. I look at Eli. "Where's the bathroom?"
He didn't hear me so I tapped his leg. "Eli, where's the bathroom?" And I say almost out of breath. He starts to tell me and I put my hand over my mouth and practically run to the bathroom. He follows me leaving Gracie behind. He waits outside the woman's bathroom for me. I hear him calling for me. "Emma, baby... are you alright?"
I can't answer. I'm getting so sick. I hate morning sickness.
About 5 minutes pass and I finally feel able enough to get up. I flush the toilet and wash my hands before rinsing my mouth out. I walk out of the bathroom and Eli gives me an empathetic smile. I walk over to him and hug him. I just want to be held. This is the worst day I've had of morning sickness since I found out that I'm pregnant. He rubs slow, soothing circles on my back and kisses my hair.
"I hate that you're so sick, baby." I sigh and say. "I'm okay, babe. But, do you have a stick of gum or something?" He reached into his pocket and gave me a stick. "Thank you, baby." He nods and he puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me back to our seats.
Gracie glances up as we approach our seats. "Awe, Em! You look terrible!"
I shrug my shoulders. I didn't know what to say. We sit down and Eli puts his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder. I'm just ready to be in Chicago so I can sleep some. I think that will help. I dose off and didn't even realize it. Eli quietly whispers in my ear to wake up. I slowly come to and look at him. "Our flights been called, babe. We need to board." I smile and nod my head. He helps me up and guides me the gate with Gracie following.
"How was your morning nap, babe?" I look at him and smile. "Not long enough." He chuckles.
"Are you feeling any better?" He looks at me empathetically.
"I feel about the same." And shrug my shoulders.
Gracie chimes in "is morning sickness really that bad?"
I nod my head and say "today's been the worst day since I found out I'm pregnant. And it's at any time during the day. Not just morning. The name lies."
And I groan and mean my head back against the seat. Eli chuckles and puts his hand on my thigh.
Gracie says jokingly "well, that must mean my niece or nephew is a pain in the ass like their daddy." And looks over at Eli.
He has a smirk and says "watch it Gracie." I let out a small giggle as she sticks her tongue out at him.
Gracie has talked our ear off the entire flight from baby names to if we wanted a boy or girl to who the god parents would be. It made my head hurt and it wore me out. Eli and I gave simple answers. I'm in the first 2 months of pregnancy, we haven't talked too much about it. I know the time will come, I just don't like being pressured on the spot. It stresses me out.
Thankfully, the light flashed for us to fasten our seat belts again to prepare for the landing. I instantly started getting nauseous again. The plane descending made my stomach churn more. I put my forehead in my hands and leaned forward with my eyes squeezed shut. Eli noticed and tried to instantly sooth me. "Babe, take slow, deep breaths. We'll land in a minute." I do as he says.
The plan finally comes to a halt and I sit there for another minute trying to let the nausea pass.
I finally open my eyes and lean back into the seat. I look over at Eli who is staring at me. He looks so concerned. I put my hand on his cheek and smile lightly. "I'm okay, babe. Please get me off this plane." He kissed my palm and instantly guided me off. Gracie was the first one off out of the 3 of us. To say I'm ready to be at Eli's apartment is an under statement.

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