Chapter 81

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Terror. That's all I feel right now. It's overcome the feeling of betrayal and hurt from Eli.
Ryan is here. Where I'm staying. He found me so fast. I need to remain calm.
"Rough night, Emma?" He says with a devious smile.
"No... where would you get that idea?" I need to remain calm.
"Don't lie you bitch. You locked me up! You ruined my life!" My breath hitched when he pulled out a gun from the back of his jeans.
"You ruined me! And now you're here? Living with some guy when I can't live without you!"
My eyes are darting in every direction. He's waving the gun in my face.
"You were everything to me. And you dumped me. You were happy with me!" He's yelling. I start backing up toward the door.
"Don't you think about leaving!" And slaps my cheek. I grab my cheek feeling the instant burn from the hit.
"Ry... Ryan. Can we please just talk about this? Please put the gun down."
"You're not my girlfriend so I don't need to listen to what you say anymore."
Ryan has lost it. He's crying and tugging at his hair. Who is he?
I'm crying and stressed out. I don't know what the outcome is going to be.
My phone has been ringing constantly.
Ryan is getting frustrated "just answer the damn thing but don't say a word about me being here!!!" I answer without checking caller ID.
I answer with such a small voice "hello..."
"Emma where are you?!"
It's Eli. "Sorry, I'm not interested in what you're selling."
"Emma, what's going on? Are you okay?"
"The price sounds great, but really, I'm not interested"
"Emma, where are you?" He's starting to get frantic.
"Between 8 and 9." And Ryan takes the phone and throws it and it shatters.
"I know what you're doing! Don't try to be sneaky!" He's backing me into a corner.
"Ry... Ryan... please. I'm begging you. Please let me go." I'm sobbing now.
"Why should I? You ruined my life!" He then glanced over and noticed on the wall a framed picture of our ultrasound. I wish now it wasn't there.
"You're pregnant with this guys kid?!" His voice goes up an octave. I'm hoping someone on the floor calls the police.
I start crying harder.
"Wow... you give it up for some guy and not your boyfriend of 6 years. You're a slut!" And starts pointing the gun at me again.
"Please don't..."
"Emma I can't live without you." He starts to scream and cry.
Someone must have heard the chaos and we hear police at the door. They yell "POLICE" and bust through the doors and Ryan grabs me and holds the gun to me.
"Drop the gun, now!"
Ryan looks at them and says "why should I? If I can't have her no one can!" He goes to pull the trigger and I hear gun fire. I started screaming. An officer shot him in the shoulder and got him down. Another officer came to me. I started to hyperventilate. I wish Eli was here, but I'm not talking to him. He doesn't want me. I'll get through this.
"Miss, take deep breaths okay?" I look at the officer and holding stomach and sit down and try to breathe.
Once my breathing is under control the officer asks if there's anyone I want to call. I say "no, there's no one." and tear up. The officer has me checked out by an EMT. The EMT recommends going to the hospital to make sure the stress from tonight's events didn't affect my pregnancy. I agree by nodding my head and am helped up and walked out of the scene.
We start walking out of the building and it looks like police closed off the entire entrance. I hear my name being called and it's Eli. He runs frantically over to me and officers ask if I know him and I said "no." And started to tear up again. I don't know Eli at all. I could see all the hurt on his face.
We walk away and get in the ambulance and am taken to the hospital.
I was asked so many questions that it kept me distracted. All I feel right now is numb.
We pull up the hospital minutes later and am brought to my room. They have me change into one of their gowns and wait for the doctor. I start to think of all the events that transpired tonight and just started crying and wanting Eli. Why did I say I didn't know him?
The doctor came finally came in what felt like a century later. He asked if there was anyone he can call. I was still sobbing and said "I want Eli." And put my face in my hands.
The doctor said "please calm down. Please let me know his number and I'll call."
I sniffle and can barely speak his number because I'm so worked up. The doctor nodded and stepped out. Eli won't come. Not after what I said.
I bring my legs up to my chest and continue to cry. I hear the door open expecting it to be the doctor and I look over and it's disheveled Eli. I go to get up but instead he rushes over to me hugs me and I don't hesitate returning the hug. I hold onto him so tightly. And just say "I'm so sorry." Over and over again. And he gently says "don't be sorry."'and tells me he loves me so much. Which makes me cry more.
We stayed like that until the doctor came in.
Eli was going to sit in the chair, but I grabbed his arm and gave him a look to just sit where he is. He doesn't argue.
The doctor starts talking "I didn't get to introduce myself earlier. I'm Dr. Martin. I was briefed on what transpired tonight. And from my understanding is you're pregnant." I nod my head and Eli jumps in "with twins."
Dr. Martin nods his head "okay,'so what we'll do is do an ultrasound and continue to monitor them throughout the night to make sure everything is okay."
I don't make eye contact and nod my head.
I feel Eli's eyes on me and he kisses the side of my head and says "no matter what, everything is going to be okay." And a single tear falls from my eye when I hear his words.
Dr. Martin says "let's get started."

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