Chapter 47 - Eli's POV

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I'm going to be a dad. Wow. This is what it feels like. I look over at Emma whose getting the pictures from the checkout desk and to schedule her next appointment. I'm just relieved that the baby is mine and that we are in this together. I guess either I am moving to NYC or she's coming with me back to Chicago. I guess that's something we will have to discuss.
Emma holds up the picture "look at our little peanut!" She has such a big smile now. I can't help but smile at her. "We are not calling my baby a peanut." And laugh when she pouts about it. "I guess I can call our baby a nugget."
"Em, that's even worse!" Her eyes are twinkling so I know she's in a good mood.
"Come on, don't be such a grump let me call our baby a peanut!" I shake my head and take her hand and lead her out of the doctors office.

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