Chapter 24

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We've been in bed all afternoon. This is where I want to be. It seemed so much more than me being a notch in his bed post. He made love to me. He was so gentle and sweet. It was perfect.
I am content with laying here tangled in the bed sheets with my head on his chest. I'm content.
It dawns on me in this moment that I'm only here for another week and a half. What will happen after? Will he want to make this work? Does he want me to be his girlfriend?
My mind is racing. I'm suddenly second guessing everything. I've been quiet for a few minutes and he speaks up.
"Tell me what you're thinking."
"I'm thinking about me and you." I instantly regret the words coming out of my mouth when I see his expression. His expression of confusion and worry.
Seeing that I got my answer I start getting up and wrapping the sheet around me.
"Em, listen. I'm only here for the summer and you for like another week. No one knows what it's going to turn into. Can't we just enjoy each other's company while we can?"
When I don't answer right away he comes toward the end of the bed where I'm standing and starts kissing my cheek saying "please" in between.
I nod my head and say "okay."
"Good." He gives me a swift kiss and pulls me back with him.
Houston we have a problem, I'm falling for him.

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