Chapter 53

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Embarrassment takes over me from Gracie walking in on me and Eli having a make out session. Eli glances back at me a few times to make sure I'm okay. We make it to the living room and Gracie is still smirking.
Gracie breaks me and Eli's hands a part so she can hug me. "Emma, it's about time!" I giggle and she pulls away.
"I've been waiting for this since Denmark! Ugh I'm so happy!" Eli cuts in "Gracie, chill."
She rolls her eyes and drags me to the couch. "I need the details! Please tell me!"
I look at Eli and he looks super annoyed. I smile at him and tell Gracie "we just realized we didn't want to be without each other anymore. The rest is history." Eli liked my answer and smiled at me.
Gracie didn't like it as much. "Ugh, so boring! I want more!" I'm irritated and roll my eyes. "My lips are sealed."
Gracie huffs. "Ugh, fine!"
"I'm going to get some water. Do either of you want anything?"
Gracie says "I'm good, thanks." Eli looks at me and says "yeah, I'll come with you."
He senses my irritation. "Emma, you need to keep your stress down. It's not good for our baby."
I inhale and say "I know... I'm trying not to be. I just don't like being pressed for information when it doesn't involve anyone else but you and I." I shrug my shoulders. I walk over to the cabinet and to get a couple of glasses. Eli comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my shoulder.
I set the glasses on the counter and take a deep breath.
He whispers in my ear "I love you." I inwardly smile and turn to face him. "I love you, Eli." And kiss him.
He breaks contact and gets the glasses and fills them with water. He hands me the first glass and I take a sip. Gracie walks in and says "lets go to a club tonight!" Eli instantly says "no! No way! Absolutely not."
"Eli, when did you become an old man? You can't take the fun out of me and Emma's time!"
I interrupt. "Actually, I really don't want to go clubbing."
Gracie looks surprised "why not? They have the best clubs here!"
I look at Eli "Gracie, can you excuse us for a minute?"
"Fine. But we aren't finished with this conversation." She huffs and goes back toward the living room.
I look at Eli. "I know we were going to wait to tell her about the baby, but I feel like that will be the only way she will drop the whole clubbing thing and be fine with staying in tonight."
Eli sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. After a few deep breaths he responds. "Okay, if that's what you want to do. But we need to make sure she won't tell anyone else until we are ready."
"I agree." I take his hands in mine and interlock our fingers. I glance into his eyes and he looks like he needs reassurance that it'll be okay telling Gracie now. "It's going to be just fine. I love you."
He kisses my cheek. "I love you, Em." And rests his forehead against mine. We go back into the living room and see Gracie on her phone.
"Sorry about that." Gracie looks over at us. Eli sits on the love seat and I sit on his lap.
"It's whatever. So about clubbing!" As you see the excitement in her eyes.
"The answer is still no, Gracie." Eli is super agitated with his sister.
"I don't understand." Gracie looks so confused. I chimed up and said "We actually need to tell you something." Eli starts rubbing circles on my back for comfort. I smile at him.
"Tell me what?" She looks concerned now.
Eli takes over "Emma's pregnant."
Silence. She looks mad.
"What do you mean pregnant, Eli? Is the baby even yours?"
Ouch. I didn't see that one coming. Do I have slut written on my forehead?
"She is pregnant and the baby is mine."
"How can you be so sure Eli?" She's furious.
"I do know because of how far along she is."
"Oh, please. That's rich Eli. You need to do a paternity test." I get so mad and interrupt their argument. "How dare you come into my apartment and accuse my boyfriend of not being the father of our baby? He is the only person I have ever been with. I don't have to explain anything to you. You could just say congratulations at least to your brother. But since you can't, I guess you're not the person I thought you were." A single tear fell and I wiped it quickly.
"Woah, Emma. Please try to calm down. It's not good for our baby." Eli is trying to get me to relax. "Gracie, I think you should go back to the hotel. I'll call you in the morning."
She nods her head disappointed and leaves.
Once the door closes Eli looks back at me. "I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't know she would react how she did."
"Me too..." he hugs me tightly. "Let me feed both of my babies. I'm going to cook dinner, okay?"
I nod my head and he kisses my cheek before going into the kitchen.

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