Chapter 84 - Eli's POV

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Last night was the worst night I have ever experienced. Thinking you lost the love of your life plus your babies is the hardest thing in the entire world. I never want to experience that feeling ever again.
I can't get the look of disappointment and fear of how Emma looked out of my mind. When she saw Kenzie kiss me I know she was holding back how she was feeling and started to tear up so she didn't embarrass me. Then to call her constantly with no answer and to have her finally pick up and not make any sense tears me apart. I had no idea Ryan found out where we live. I didn't ever think we'd see the day where he'd pose a threat to our lives.
I'm on my way back to the apartment before Emma notices I'm gone to take a shower and get her a change of clothes and clean up the mess left behind before she's discharged today. I don't want her to worry about anything else. She doesn't need to worry.
Walking into the apartment now gives an uneasy feeling to my gut. I look around and don't see anything out of place, but notice blood on the floor from when Ryan was shot by the officer. I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. My phone rings and I see it's Gracie. I told her about what happened and she's worried.
"Go ahead."
She responds so quick "what's going on? Any update for me?"!
"Everything's okay. She'll be home today."
"Good! I can't believe that sleeze ball. Who would do that to someone especially as sweet as Emma?"
I sigh. "I don't know, Gracie. I really don't know."
"Oh, I'm also letting you know I'm on my way to visit her now. I'm about to go up to the desk."
"No, Gracie!!"
"Too bad!" And she hung up.
Not good. Emma's going to know I'm gone. On that note I need to hurry up and get back to her.

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