Chapter 94

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Annie came as soon as she could and brought me to a local coffee shop. She hasn't said anything yet. She keeps giving me looks like I'm going to break. The tears hadn't spilled over from what I've overheard.
She breaks the silence first. "Care to tell me what happened?"
I look at her and don't go into detail. "My heart is breaking and I can't stop it."
She looks at me so confused. "Em, what are you talking about? You're fine."
I shake my head and quickly wipe away the tear the escaped. "You don't understand. I don't want to go into detail. I just need to not be alone right now."
She gives me an unconvinced look and drops it. Her phone rings breaking the new and uncomfortable silence between us.
"Hey babe." She says with a smile.
"Are you with Emma? Eli showed up here freaking out because he doesn't know where she is. Apparently her phone's broken." She eyes me and gives me a look like she would smack me. I roll my eyes at her not knowing what's going on.
"Yeah..." is all she musters up to say.
"Can you bring her here. Like lie or something. I haven't seen him like this before. I don't know what happened but it doesn't seem normal or her normal to not go where she promises. Just don't tell her because you know she won't come."
She puts her hand on her forehead.
"Okay. Fine. I love you, babe." And hangs up.
She's just looking at me.
I'm annoyed. "What?"
Then she gets a look on her face that says we're getting into trouble.
"So, I know you're pregnant and all, but we need to have a girls night. No boys allowed. Come to the hotel with me! I'll kick Jonathan out and it'll be like old times! I'll drink and you can have virgin margaritas!" She talked a million miles an hour. She looks so determined and so excited.
I go to say I don't want to, but she notices my look and wasn't going to take no for an answer. I groan and say "fine..."
She claps her hands really quick and gets up and takes my hand and drags me out the doors.
Did I mention, I really don't want to do this?
She starts talking super animated on the way about how much fun we'll have. I'm super reserved and self conscious right now. I wrap my arms around myself for comfort.
We make it back to her hotel room and Jonathan opens the door and lets me in first. Annie grabs Jonathan's hand and says to me "don't hate me." And closes the door. I don't know what she's talking about. I hear a throat clear and turn around and it's Eli. He doesn't come to me. Fear starts to consume me. He's breaking up with me for Kenzie. We're done. The tension can be cut with a knife.
He breaks the silence "you know, you could have just told me you were meeting up with Annie instead of Gracie. I've been pulling my hair out not knowing where you were. What's with you? You know my number. You could have called so I don't worry! You're carrying my babies too, Emma. You can't just disappear like that."
I look at him dumbfounded. "For one, I was on my way to see Gracie and noticed a studio. I went in and spoke with the owner and have a possible internship after a showcase. I asked for the time when I noticed it being dark outside and made my way back to the apartment. You were with Kenzie! You just had to have her over there because I wasn't there. So I left. Why would it matter to you where I was or wasn't. You don't care. You don't love me anymore so it doesn't matter." Tears threaten to spill over.
He looks at me and says "you have it all wrong, baby. Entirely wrong. Kenzie showed up, yes. I told her she needs to forget about me because there's nothing between us at all. She needs to let go. Hell, I even told her that you're the one. It's always been you and will always be you! I love you so much and it kills me to hear you say that I don't care and that I don't love you! I do more than you'd ever know."
I look away and wipe away a fallen tear. "Well, I don't believe you."
"Babe, I'm serious..."
"I'm not stupid, Eli. She asked if you felt it behind the kiss too and you didn't say anything. You hesitated and that's when I left. I couldn't be there and hear the response you'd give."
"I'm telling you the truth!" His voice goes up and octave and I flinch.
There's a knock on the door and Eli opens it. Speak of the devil, it's Kenzie.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Eli yells at her.
She rolls her eyes. "Jonathan called and told me I have no choice but to help this bullshit situation that I apparently caused." Eli interjects as she she tries to enter the room. "Don't you think you've done enough? What makes you think she's going to listen to what you have to say?"
I speak up "don't you dare speak for me, Eli. I'm a big girl and I want to hear the truth."
He says "I am telling you the truth! You're going to feel so stupid once you hear what she tells you!"
Kenzie looks at him "well, you're going to have to apologize for saying that to her after because she'll forgive you for what she thinks happened between us and you'll have to grovel for you just said." She laughs and pats his shoulder "good going" and pushes past him. He closes his eyes on a breath knowing he messed up.
She glances back at Eli "you need to give us space. She looks like she's going to rip your head off for saying that. Hormones Eli. You should remember from when I was pregnant." I'm so uncomfortable I start to fidget and it's noticeable. Eli says nothing and walks out slamming the door behind him.
Kenzie says "sit, and let me start from the beginning."
I sit far away and she rolls her eyes and starts from the very beginning. From how they met to now and the events from the last few days.
Eli was telling the truth and I didn't believe him. A silent tear falls. He's right. I am stupid. Kenzie sighs and says "look, I'm not happy that Eli no longer wants me. For what it's worth, he's crazy about you. He never looked at me the way he looks at you. Don't stay mad at him and make knee jerk decisions. Don't push him away because of your pride." She gets up and walks out.
I feel a sudden nudge in my stomach that makes me stand still and mouth wide open. My hand instantly goes there. They're kicking. I wish Eli was in here to feel them.
"Is it the babies? Are they okay?" He sounds frantic and rushes over to me and I turn to him and smile. I didn't even hear him come back inside. My response was taking his hand and placing it on my stomach. He tears up and kisses me quickly and pulls away.
I'm the first to speak "I believe you... I'm sorry for not trusting you. I just saw and heard and assumed..." he cuts me off "don't be sorry, baby. I shouldn't have been in the situation to make you assume those things." He kisses me and it's like the universe and stars aligned. He pulls away and says "let's go home."

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