Chapter 36

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The thought of being pregnant is making me worried and scared and a mixture of emotions. I want Eli's support and love, but I can't talk to him about anything. My heart aches knowing he's here. I'm pushing everything to the back of my mind and doing what I came here to do. I have to at least act happy. For Annie's sake. So, I'm in the kitchen helping with dinner. Trying to sound excited I ask " what are we cooking?"
Annie is grabbing all of the ingredients and says "lasagna, garlic bread, and a side salad." Yum! My mouth is already watering. I preheat the oven and walk over to the Bluetooth radio so we can listen to some music.
I scroll through pandora for a good playlist. I settle on the pop one. I'm about skip over "Sucker" by the Jonas Brothers when Annie stops me when she grabs a wooden spoon and starts singing into. She's so dramatic. I can't even deal. However, I can't help but join her. Clearly it's going to be a late dinner.
We really get to into it and start dancing around in the kitchen that we didn't even realize we had an audience. Jonathan clears his throat and I drop my cooking utensil on the floor. Eli just smirks at me. Smooth, Emma.
"Ugh, Jonathan you scared the crap out of us. How long were you standing there?"
"Just long enough... Annie, baby... leave the singing to the professionals." I giggle and Annie smacks me. Jonathan goes over to her and kisses her cheek and walks to the refrigerator for some beers.
I finally chime in and say "now that it's been established that Annie can't sing. Let's actually start cooking because home girl is starving." As I turn away. That earns me a nudge. Ha. I'm so sassy right now.
Jonathan gives Eli a beer before they walk out. And we begin cooking. The smell of the sauce is radiating throughout the apartment. I decided to focus on preparing the salad. The look of the meat for the sauce is making me more queazy.
Gracie walks in the kitchen "please tell me there is something I can do to help! Being surrounded by those guys is beyond boring!" 
Annie giggles and says "oh yeah girl! You can help Em with the salad and garlic bread."
I smile at Gracie and give her room to help. I don't say much, but it doesn't stop her from trying to ask me questions.
"Emma, I've seriously missed you! What's been going on?"
"Nothing really."
"There has to be something! I need details! How else am I going to survive this trip!"
I smile lightly. "Look, there really isn't anything to tell."
On that note, I make my way over to the cabinets and get out the plates, forks, knives, and cups so I can begin setting the table. But leave it to me when I try to turn with the plates to get my foot caught on the stool that's at the island in the kitchen and fall and drop the plates.
Way to go, Em. You're a winner like always. My face turns bright red. Eli and Johnathan rush into the kitchen seeing Annie and Gracie already helped me up.
"Damnit. Let me get the broom." Clearly too embarrassed I don't even make eye contact with anyone as I go to the linen closet. Annie stops me and says "Em, don't worry about it. I'll get it." and makes me stay in the kitchen.
"Damn Emma, could you have been more clumsy? Those were my first set I bought when I moved here. And they weren't cheap."
Sensing his anger, I go over to my purse take out $60 for the plates I broke and place it on the counter. "This should cover it, asshole. And don't worry. I'm fine!"
Eli cut in "man, don't talk to her like that."
Johnathan laughs "she's here enough to know when she messes up."
"Don't be a dick." And with that Jonathan shoves Eli. A fight starts in the kitchen and Annie runs in with a shocked face not knowing what to do. Me being dumb, I get in between trying to break it up since it is my fault and got in the cross fire and got a nice punch to the cheek and fell backward. That stopped Eli instantly and came rushing over to me. I hold my cheek not letting my tears spill over from the pain. I look Johnathan in the eyes and say "who hits a girl like that?" He was a smart ass and said "you'd know the right way, huh?"
"Shut the hell up, man! Emma, I'm taking you home. Let's get out of here."
He grabs my hand and pulls me up and grabs my money from the counter and my purse and takes me out the door.

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