Chapter 34

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Annie opens the door rather quickly "thank God you're here!" And drags me in.
"It can't be that bad. They just got here. I guess I'll save the day! Just don't be mad if they like me more." And wink at her.
"Jeez you're sassy today!" I roll my eyes and she puts her arm through mine and drags me in.
Johnathan notices Annie and I and says "about time you made it, whore."
"Johnathan, what the hell?!" Completely shocked and look at Annie. "Oh, Johnathan not everyone knows what you're talking about! I told Jonathan how you answered my phone call earlier."
I shake my head and say "jeez." And put my hand to my forehead.

Someone spoke up and the voice was familiar and it was a woman's voice "how was the phone call answered?"
I guess no ones seen me yet and the question was directed toward Johnathan.
"According to Annie, Emma answered it "Emma's whore house. You pay, we fake it.""
"Emma?" A males voice.
I come around Johnathan to see and my face instantly pales. It's Eli. What. The. Heck.
My stomach starts to churn and I turn to go to the bathroom to get sick.
Annie follows me and closes the door and holds my hair.
"2 things. How do you know him? And two when was your period?"
When I finish emptying my stomach and rinse my mouth I turn to look at her.
"That guy in there... that's Eli... the one I spent my few weeks in Denmark with. And I don't know. Before Denmark?"
Then the realization hits... and it hits Annie at the same time.
"Don't panic! Just let's get through this dinner and you and I will go out after and get a test. Just don't panic!"
I nod my head not wanting to go back out there.

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