Chapter 61

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Over the last few days, Eli and I packed up a majority of my apartment so when we came back for the rest of my belongings, the packing was already finished.
I'm sitting on the floor and I just finished packing up my suitcase for the week. We would be back here by the end of the month. As I pull the zipper shut, Eli approaches me from behind and sits behind me wrapping his arms around my waist.
"You are so beautiful, you know that?" And kisses my cheek. I lean into his kiss and say "I love you, thank you for letting me come with you."
"And I love you babe. I wouldn't want it to be any other way."
After a few minutes in silence I ask "what will your parents think of me?"
Eli clears his throat. "I think they're going to love you." It really warms my heart.
"Em, it's almost 1:30am and we have a flight to catch by 8. Let's get in bed and get some sleep." I nodded my head. Eli got up first and helped me up. We get into bed and sleep instantly overtakes me.

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