Chapter 92

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I wound up falling asleep on the couch in Eli's office. I'm not sure how long I slept for, but I wake up to Eli stroking my non-bruised cheek and whispering for me to wake up. I come to and look at him with adoration and give him a small smile that he returns. Just as I'm about to sit up and kiss him, someone walks through the door.
"Eli, we need to talk." And stops and stares at me.
I glance at Eli and on a sigh he says "about what, dad?"
Not even acknowledging what Eli said he stares me down and says "so you're the girl my son is spending all his time with." It wasn't a question, but a statement. Eli tries to interject, but I put my hand on his shoulder. "Yes, sir."
He doesn't say anything else, but clears his throat and reverts his attention back to Eli and talks about additional business needs. I bite the inside of my cheek because I'm an embarrassment and I know Eli can do better. I'm feeling nauseas and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. Eli is so fixated on his dad and glaring back at him that he didn't hear me.
I look in the mirror not feeling an urge to puke after I splash some water on my face and the base of my neck. I hear some ladies start walking in talking about how embarrassing I am and how Eli can do so much better. I hear the receptionist from earlier say "she's probably got something over him to make him be with her." Before continuing on she notices me and says "just because you're with Eli doesn't mean we don't see right through you and your phony act. You're with him for his wealth and nothing more. He deserves someone more like him. Kenzie was a doll. You can't and won't compare to her for him." She flips her hair over her shoulder and makes her way over to the large mirror to apply more lipstick. She looks at me on her way out and says "don't let the door hit you on your way out." And laughs and walks out of the bathroom.
I'm stunned speechless. I know I won't compare to Kenzie. I want to be more to Eli than she was to him.
Part of me knows the receptionist is right. If that weren't the case, I wouldn't have walked in on them kissing at the gala. My heart hurts. I hold the edges of the sink and look down while taking slow deep breaths. Refusing to cry I look back up and tell myself I got this.
I walk out of the bathroom toward Eli's office. Eli's dad was gone and I see Eli sitting in his chair with his elbows on his desk with his fingers rubbing his temples. He's so stressed out. I know I'm a huge factor in that.
He hears me walk in and looks up at me and smiles, but it doesn't meet his eyes. I walk over to him and say "is everything okay?"
He gives another small smile shaking his head. "You're worrying me... can you talk about it?"
He looks at me empathetically and says "there's nothing for you to worry about." He places his hand on my cheek and strokes it softly with his thumb. I remind him that I'm here and that I would listen. He thanked me, but it wasn't necessary for what's going on. On an exhale he says "I have a lot of work to do. Do you want me to take you to my parents and you hang with Gracie? I'm going to be here for a while."
Feeling hurt and trying not to show it, I shake my head and tell him I'll find my way over there. He sighs and stands up from his chair and hugs me long. It's almost like a goodbye hug that he's never going to see me again. He kisses my forehead and tells me he will see me tonight and sits back down and starts working away. I tell him I love him and he doesn't even look up or acknowledge what I said. What is going on? Anxiety courses through my veins. Refusing to cry, I walk out of his office closing the door behind me. Once I make it out of the building and make it outside, the sidewalks are flooded with people. I decide to follow the flow of traffic and start walking.
When I get through downtown, I notice there's a hole in the wall studio. I make my way in and I'm greeted by a smiling face. "Welcome to Rocky Studios!" I smile back.
He clears his throat "what can I do for you?"
"I'm a singer/songwriter whose new to the area and wants to jump back in."
He looks at me intently and put his hand on his chin before saying "you have experience and any good?" 
I respond with confidence "I was working closely with a studio in NYC up until I moved here. Was about to perform in their big competition where a bunch of labels are, but the timing didn't work in my favor."
"You were going to perform at the Crowders Music Competition? That's huge! But, it must be something really big if you decided not to participate."
I bite my lip "well, yeah. I met my boyfriend over the summer when I was in Denmark and a few weeks after getting back to NYC, I found out I'm pregnant. My boyfriend lives here and we thought it would be best for us. All of us."
He looks at me and nods his head. "Commendable. Are you looking for an internship or what are you looking for?" He's being really nice to me despite the fact of the bruise on my cheek and lack of makeup.
"I honestly just want to be back in the studio making music any way I can. It's an outlet for me and I would really like to have it back."
He thinks for a minute. "Before I can say what we can work out, we need a trial basis. I need to hear that you're good. I need to hear what you're capable of as a songwriter and a singer. We have a showcase coming up and have a spot open. You can either do an original piece or a cover. I need to know your range."
I start smiling really big. "When is it?"
"November 20th at 8pm at Epic."
"I'll be there and won't disappoint!" I notice it's starting to get dark outside. "I'm sorry, I didn't get your name, but do you have the time? My phone is broken."
"It's Rocky and you are? It's 7:30."
I didn't realize I walked that long and made it here. "I'm Emma. Thank you, Rocky. For your time and all of the opportunity! I have to get going." We shake hands and I leave and haul down a cab. I'm thrilled. To be able to showcase an original song if I chose to. Eli would be so proud of me!
I make it to our building and go straight to our apartment. I hear fussing inside the apartment and am frozen not wanting to enter. Who's in there? I then hear "come on, Eli! You had to have felt something in our kiss." Kenzie is here... I don't hear his response. Was this why he didn't tell me he loves me back? Tears brim my eyes and I decide I need Annie. I go to reception and ask to use their phone.
Annie answers second ring "hello?"
I sniffle "can you come get me?"
She sighs. "I'm on my way Em." And hangs up.

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