Chapter 10

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The loud thumping of the music can be heard down the street. My heart is hammering in my chest. We just got here and I saw Eli. I didn't think he would be here. Even though part of me knew he would be, I didn't expect for him to be here so early.
Our eyes connected for a brief second before I broke it. Gracie has been rambling on the whole way here about how great this will be for me. If she only knew. My eyes drifted back to Eli and he is dancing with some girl that seemed to be in the league he was in.
I am so out of place.
Strangely enough, I get a tap on my shoulder.
"Why is such a beautiful woman standing on the side of the dance floor?"
"Uhh, I don't know."
"Well, I can certainly change that for you. C'mon girl let's dance." He tries to grab my hand and I move back.
"What girl? You can't be respectful and dance with me?"
Gracie interferes and says "Dillon, you're such a creep!"
"Butt out Gracie this doesn't include you."
I'm starting to panic. I can't do this. I just turn and leave. I need to get out of here. I hear Gracie and Ruby calling my name. I bolt out the pool house doors into the cold night air.
As I'm going down the steps I trip and fall. The last person I expect to see is there extending a hand to help me up. "Are you alright?"

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