Chapter 95

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We signed a lease for a new apartment that'll be able to fit our growing family and to leave all of the bad memories behind. It's a fresh start. We moved in a week after the incident with Ryan.
It's the day of the showcase and I'm so excited and nervous and nauseas... well I'm nauseas because of my pregnancy. I have been practicing endlessly wanting it to be perfect. I haven't let Eli hear me at all because I want it to be a surprise. I've been working so hard and I really hope it pays off!
Eli and I are getting ready to go and meet his family at the showcase so I can get set up. His parents are coming around to the idea of me being Eli's girlfriend and also having his babies. Baby steps as Eli likes to call it. At least this is a step in the right direction.
Eli peeks his head into the bathroom "babe, you ready to go?"
I smile and walk out to him. He grabs my face and kisses me. "Beautiful." I blush and roll my eyes. The babies are moving like crazy. I place his hand on my stomach and he kisses me again when I say "they know when their daddy is around." This feeling of being on central cloud 9 is beyond amazing. I fall in love with Eli so much more everyday.
Eli drives us with such care and caution. He glances over "are you nervous?" I look at him and sarcastically say "well, I am now" he laughed and said "sarcasm doesn't suit you baby."
I laughed along with him and said "I'm more excited than anything. You get to hear what I can do for the very first time."
He smiles and says "I'm really excited. I bet you've got a beautiful voice and are so talented." I roll my eyes and say "I guess we'll find out won't we."
We pull into the parking lot and meet Eli's family and we all enter the building together. I kiss Eli and ask him to wish me luck before I go backstage to set up.
It's been about 20 minutes and I hear my introduction "please welcome to the stage Emma Williams doing a cover of  I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston!"
I take a deep breath and go on stage. The music starts and I sing my heart out.
I got a standing ovation! I thanked everyone and went backstage and saw Eli had already made his way back there. He rushes over to me and picks me up and spins me around. "Babe, you're fantastic!!"
I blush and say thank you.
Rocky was already backstage and says "you sing real big for a girl your size. We'd be honored to have you intern with us and a potential label too."
I got so excited I looked at Eli and back at Rocky and said "when can I start?"

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