Chapter 6 - Gracie's POV

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"Eli, could you have been any more rude?"
"Gracie, chill out will you? She's not one of us and can't "hang". She is clumsy and probably will just wind up using you."
"Don't be so quick to judge."
Ruby gives her two cents like usual and says "you know what Eli, she's really sweet. She came here from NYC by herself. She could use some friends too even if it is for a few weeks."
Eli grunts "whatever" and leaves.

Ruby and I just stand there dumbfounded by my idiot brother. Luckily, I got Emma's number and I'm going to ask her to come to a party tonight. She could use the fun! I could tell from the look in her eyes. We will become great friends!

"Hey, Rube, I'm going to invite Emma to the party tonight."
"Do it! But won't Eli get upset since they're his friends and his social crowd?"
"So what? I'm just as much the host as he is."
"This is going to be a train wreck..."
"I'm calling her now."

"Hi Emma, it's Gracie! I just wanted to apologize for my brother."
"That's okay. Really. There's no need to apologize."
"Well, to make it up to you. Come to a party with us tonight! It'll be so much fun and you'll meet people!"
"I don't think that's a good idea."
"How many pretties do I have to put in front of please? Pretty, pretty pretty..."
"Okay, fine! I don't have anything to wear though."
"Where are you staying at? We are about the same size. You can borrow something from me."
"I am staying at the Bella Lago near the airport."
"Great! I'll see you at 7:30!"
On that note, I hang up and screech in excitement.

Before YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora