Chapter 22

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The food was delicious! It definitely beat any food I had back home.
I have been thanking Eli constantly for taking me out tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm annoying him with it.
He sees me glance toward the dance floor that has soft music playing. "Dance with me?"
I look at his outreached hand and back to his face. "Please? For me?"
I smile and take his hand.
Guiding me to the dance floor he spins me around into his embrace. This is the closest we have ever been.
My heart is hammering and I feel the butterflies dancing in my stomach. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands on my waist.
We danced for 3 songs and decided it was time to leave.
He has been such a gentleman all night. My judgement of him when we first met is completely different now that I have gotten to be around him.
He drives cautiously back to the hotel I'm staying at. I think he's purposefully catching every red light. His hand is on my thigh in a way of being protective.
I don't want to be any other place than right here. With Eli.
I don't want this night to end.
I see the hotel in view now and I can't help but feel disappointment.
I look over to Eli and smile.
The car comes to a stop and he opens my door like he has done all evening.
"Thank you so much for tonight, Eli. I had a wonderful time."
"I had a perfect night with the perfect girl." His smile reached his eyes.
We walked to my door hand in hand.
We stood there for a second and a piece of hair had fallen loose. Eli noticed and tucked my hair behind my ear. My face naturally leaned into his hand. I look at him and he has the look of wonder and happiness on his face. He barley takes a step forward and his eyes glance to my lips. He pressed his against mine lightly before deepening it.
He stops the kiss and leans his forehead against mine.
"I've wanted to do that for a while now."
Courage takes over me and I reply "then why'd you stop?"
With that he kisses me again and puts his hands on my cheeks.
He pulls away "I'm going to keep my word and treat you how a woman is to be treated. I'm going to kiss you once more and say goodnight."
He kisses me again and walks off. The smile on my face might as well be permanent.

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