Imprecantes morte ad cerebro meo et corde

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I'd wish death on my heart

If it's beating didn't keep me alive

All it's feeling does is start trouble

It's what it was born to do

The emotions it produces cause trouble on my life

It would be better if I couldn't feel

But that only ever happens in my dreams

And I live in reality, this is real

The next thing I'd wish death to is my brain

It thinks too much and causes me pain

The thoughts it thinks of hurt my heart

It mixes with my emotions and tears me apart

These two things cause me a lot of pain

My brain and heart give out too much trust

Some people go out and betray my trust

To keep away from them is a must

Whenever I talk to someone my brain tells to trust them

I tell my brain to shut up and not to start

It needs to learn not to trust everyone

No need for me to end up with another broken heart

Words from my heartWhere stories live. Discover now