Remember those days

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Why can't we go back to those days

The days when you never got so mad

Why can't we go back to those days

Why didn't make me so sad

Don't you remember those days

When we could sit down and talk

The days we played games and laughed

That time we took that really long walk

Sadly those days are gone

Lost in the past

You changed so much

Turned into the beast inside at last

Why did you turn on me

I hadn't done anything to you

But you decided to hurt me

Made me deal with the pain you put me through

You choked me, you hit me

You broke me once again inside

I remember the times you did it before

But those times I always lied

Told her I was okay

She believed me too

I hate lying to her

But I did it out of fear of you

Everyday I remember those days

The best ones that we had together

You had your chance, you ruined it all

These days are now gone forever

Words from my heartWhere stories live. Discover now