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Imagine never wanting to go to sleep

To want to fly away everyday

Imagine wanting to fly, to soar

Imagine never wanting to go home anymore

I never want to go home

Too many bad memories are there

All my stuff is in that home

But right now I don’t even care

I feel trapped, locked down in that house

Locked behind bars, jailer threw away the key

My memories, my past weigh me down, hold me back

Oh, how I long to be free

Imagine wanting to run away

Run until your feet run out of ground

Run until your chains snap and release

Run until your feet don’t make a sound

Imagine feeling lost in the world

Lost, so far away from home

Miles and miles away, no people around

So lost, and so alone

Just imagine living your life in fear

A life full of pain

Being scared to live your life

The struggle just to stay sane

Waking up every day in pain

Struggling every minute to breathe

Telling the truth only to get shut out

Feeling powerless, your house you cannot leave

Imagine living your life to the will of others

Not having much choice about what to be

Imagine living life like these people

And just for a moment, imagine being me

Words from my heartWhere stories live. Discover now