Sweets, Sugar and You - Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

He realised that the case was Mafumafu's everything.

Soraru picked up his wrist again and pulled him with him again. Mafumafu was still hesitant, but he didn't fight back, only leaving a distance between them as he followed behind Soraru. Soraru hated to say it, but the fact that he was submitting to him like this made Soraru feel a little happy. Just a little.

It was a strange feeling, if Soraru had to say so.

They finally reached Soraru's home, an apartment unit Soraru bought which was close to the primary school Pon and Kon go to. They exited the elevator and got off the highest floor of the building where only two apartment units existed. One belonged to Soraru, and the other belonged to his neighbour who he was a close friend with.

"Wh-Where are we...?" Mafumafu spoke up again. He had been remaining silent ever since Soraru let him hold onto the case, and Soraru didn't want to interrupt his thoughts, so he kept quiet as well.

"My place," Soraru simply said before he tapped his keycard by the door pad, and opened the door into the room.

"Why did you bri-"

"Pon, Kon," Soraru called out, ignoring Mafumafu's protests. He should have done that from the start if he didn't like Soraru's suggestion. He could have struggled a little more, pull away from Soraru, kick or punch him even.

But the Omega didn't do any of those.

"Papa?" Pon poked his head out of the kitchen. He was holding a spatula in one hand, a plate in the other.

"You're back, Papa!" Kon poked her head out too and ran towards Soraru before Pon. She had her arms stretched out wide and Soraru got down to his feet. She jumped into Soraru's opened arms and giggled.

"Ah, it's that person from yesterday," Pon pointed out as he approached Soraru and Mafumafu.

Mafumafu flinched when Pon was aware of his existence, and Soraru watched him shrink behind him as he tried to hide himself. It was futile since he had Kon in his arms, and she was starting to crawl over his shoulders to take a better look at Mafumafu.

"Are you okay, mister?" Kon asked excitedly. "You looked really cold on the ground last night, so we got worried! But thank goodness Papa went back there for you!"

"Hey, Kon... Stop doing that. You're going to fall," Soraru said with a troubled tone in his voice. His daughter was literally kicking and stepping on his hands and arms as he tried to catch her. She was a smart one to be pulling at Soraru's shirt so that he would have a harder time doing that. "You're going to scare the guest if you keep that up,"

"He doesn't seem to mind though," Kon stopped struggling and rested her tummy on Soraru's shoulder, letting her tiny body curve over it and pouted.

"Kon, you're scaring him. He's pulling at Papa's shirt so hard that he's trembling," Pon scolded.

"Ah! Kon is sorry, so please don't be afraid!" Kon started flailing her arms around again as she tried to approach Mafumafu again, and Soraru swore he almost dropped her if he didn't catch her by the ankle of her tiny foot.

Deciding that it was too dangerous to hold a high-spirited Kon, Soraru bent down and put her down on her feet under him. She hugged one of his legs and tried to take a peek at Mafumafu. And before Soraru knew, Pon already went up to Mafumafu who was still hiding behind him, and pulled at his pinkie finger, causing Mafumafu to jump in surprise.

"Come on in, we were just making breakfast," Pon said carefully.

Soraru smiled gently at how mature Pon was, and patted him lightly on the head, smoothing his messy bed hair out with his fingers. Kon went and held Mafumafu by the hem of his shirt, shocking Mafumafu again, and giggled as she found Mafumafu's reaction to everything was funny.

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