67| Lucky

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- I rebel; therefore I exist -

- I rebel; therefore I exist -

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Namjoon was relieved. Yoongi's surgery had lasted for hours, enough to make everyone worry, but the surgeon was optimistic about the results and didn't think he would have any deficits. Unluckily, the bullet had shattered after hitting a bone and fragments were found lodged in the right pericardium and lower right lung as well as embedded in one of his ribs. However, he was stable for now, still breathing through a respirator, but alive, and had every intention of staying that way for a while. Namjoon had never seen Ms. Min in such a state of panic. She hadn't sat down one minute during the four hours of the surgery, pacing in the corridors and biting her nails in anxiousness.

Taehyung was also in recovery. He had lost a lot of blood and was diagnosed with a serious infection, but the antibiotics were working, which was an excellent sign. All of his fingers had been stitched up, his nose set back in place, and his shoulder saved. Again, he had been fairly lucky, and no long-term deficits were to result from his injuries.

Yoongi and Taehyung were both fine and sleeping for now, safe and sound in their hospital beds with the others watching over them. All was right in the world and soon, they would all be on a plane to get back home and put this dreadful event behind them.

However, Namjoon still had things to worry about. The night had stretched and elongated endlessly with the fear of never seeing his two friends again, but the morning was finally coming, and with it, a whole lot of trouble.

"So, do I let you do the talking or..." began Namjoon to a tired Hoseok.

The man ran a hand over his face, eyebrows screwed together.

"Let me think... Taehyung is usually the one that deals with that kind of stuff..."

Namjoon sighed, rolling up the sleeves of his new jacket. He had other things to deal with and didn't have time to let Hoseok make a plan.

"Do you trust me?" the hacker asked.

Hoseok turned to him, narrowing his eyes.

"Of course I do..."

"Then, let me do the talking this time."

Hoseok didn't look so good as he nodded, his complexion close to grey and the dark circles giving him a sinister look. There was no more time to argue, because the man they were waiting for entered their field of view, turning the corner. He was young to be the chief of surgery, squared glasses perched on the tip of his nose under a mop of raven hair. He sent them a bored look, intelligent dark eyes scanning up and down the two men lingering in front of his office door.

"Hello, whatever you're selling, just leave a sample in my office..."

"We are not here to sell you anything, we are friends of Min Yoongi..." started Hoseok and the man froze, his palm on the doorknob of his office.

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