64| Unity

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- I want to sleep in your stupid t-shirts and hold your stupid hand -

- I want to sleep in your stupid t-shirts and hold your stupid hand -

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"You're pretty," said Hannah to the other girl as she peered at her.

It was her lips. Aria had such dewy lips, all pink and plump. Her eyes too were lovely, a rich espresso color bordered by thick eyelashes.

"Huh... thank you."

She was struggling to put Pandora's box back in the inside pocket of her jacket, then zipped it up to make sure it would stay there.

"How did you get that?" asked Hannah with narrowed eyes.

"I stole it while everyone was chasing after you... thanks for the distraction by the way."

The two girls assessed each other. Hannah's face was covered in soot and blood and she was wearing a burnt hospital gown. Meanwhile, Aria was sweating in her military uniform, the big helmet making her look like she had an enlarged head. They smiled, recognizing a certain devilry in the other's eyes, and Aria reached out for Hannah's hand, helping her up.

"Can you walk?"

The other tried to stand up but stumbled down, ending in Aria's arms who caught her at the last second. Hannah's legs were wobbly, and her foot hurt like a bitch, but luckily the orange juice had managed to wake her up, the sugar rush keeping her alert.

"I don't think I can..."

Hannah pouted at her new friend, sending her a sorry look. She wondered for a second if the girl was going to leave her there, alone in the middle of the corridor.

"Lean against me!" said the taller one, sneaking an arm around Hannah's waist, who was very thankful for the support.

She nodded, hanging to Aria's shoulder and the two of them started limping through the corridor, going left. Aria seemed to know where she was going and turned left again to the next intersection.

"So, how do you know Namjoon?" asked Hannah, full of questions she couldn't wait to be answered.

From her perspective, the hacker was cold and introverted, always staying alone in his room to work on things no one except himself understood. He was brilliant but taciturn, probably the last person Hannah would have imagined hanging out with friends on weekends outside of their little group. She had stayed with the boys for months now but had never heard of Aria, and she wondered for a second if all of it was a trap.

"I – I used to know him a long time ago, when he was working for the FBI," she answered cryptically.

There was a certain look on her face, a nostalgia that made Hannah fall silent for a second. She bit the inside of her cheek, deciding to change the subject.

"And why did you steal Pandora's box?"

The girl shrugged.

"It's not for me, if that's what you're asking. I intend to give it to your leader in exchange for protection... now stop asking questions."

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