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-Dear diary, when life is shit, turn to music-

-Dear diary, when life is shit, turn to music-

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"He didn't kill you?"

Namjoon actually sounded disappointed.

"I guess not?" said Hannah, not sure what she was supposed to say in this situation.

"Hey!" interrupted Jin, "I'm glad he didn't! Do you want to come down and dance with us?"

Taehyung and Suga were nowhere to be found, but all the others were scattered around the room, drinking and chatting, sitting on the fancy couches or directly on piles of bills.

"Of course!" exclaimed Hannah.

All she had wanted to do since she had arrived was to go back to the dance floor and join the crowd.

"Come on, you too, Joon," said Hoseok, throwing a stash of cash in Namjoon's face to distract him from his computer.

The tall man sent him an angry look before closing his laptop and removing his glasses.

"Fine," he mumbled, "let's go."

The dance floor was even more crowded than before.

Hannah thought that this club must have a very strict guestlist, only accepting models and rich fancy people, because even from closer, all the bodies dancing were beautiful and dressed expensively, their golden accessories shimmering under the spotlights.

Hannah's kidnappers had left their weapons behind but were still dressed in black, and she was still wearing bright red, contrasting a lot with the white clothing of the dancers. She didn't know if it was conscious or not, but the crowd backed off a bit, letting a clearance to let them enter the dancefloor. Everyone looked at them with wide eyes before turning away quickly and whispering to their neighbours.

Hannah felt a bit like the first time she walked into the juvie building. Everyone was talking about her then, looking at her like she was some new kind of species.

Just like back then, she didn't care at all about their gossip.

"Want a drink?" asked Hoseok, screaming at the top of his lungs to be heard above the music.

Hannah shook her head. She knew that with the considerable amount of drugs she still had in her blood, taking a sip of alcohol would react with her medication in an explosive cocktail.

Instead, the girl joined the crowd of dancers and started moving to the sound of the music. Jin and Jimin, stayed close, enjoying the beat and jumping around. Namjoon spotted Suga in a corner and left to go talk to him.

Hannah could feel the music in her bones, in her blood, the sound making her whole body vibrate with the bass of the song.

It was absolutely liberating to just shut her mind off and let her body move by its own. She felt a bit like she was underwater and everything around her was just a muffled blur of arms, legs and gold. She felt airy and loose as she closed her eyes and moved her hips, her arms in the air and a smile on her lips. She was enjoying herself carefreely, absolutely unbothered by the curious stares thrown her way.

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