14| Lion Pit

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- How can I miss someone I never had?-

When Hannah had first started training, it seemed like her body wasn't ready to progress at all

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When Hannah had first started training, it seemed like her body wasn't ready to progress at all. The efforts she had made every day felt absolutely pointless because her body stagnated at the same level she had always been.

But now, after more than a month, it was like finally something had been unlocked inside of her. She had suddenly started to progress at a very fast pace, which astounded Hoseok even more than it surprised herself.

It was now noon and Hannah stood in front of the living room window, peering at the busy city underneath her feet.

That morning, her training had gone particularly great. She was now capable of doing 10 push-ups in a row, she had learned some classic self-defence techniques that she was able to use without too much trouble and even her telekinesis abilities had improved tremendously.

That day, for the first time, Jin had even allowed her inside the weapon room and had showed her how to use a classic handgun. To say that Hannah was thrilled would be an understatement. She was absolutely incapable of shooting a target because she couldn't aim straight at all, but she still felt powerful and dangerous holding a gun. She liked the feeling a lot.

As the girl looked at the streets of Chicago, the yellow taxis driving slowly in traffic, the tall buildings reflecting the sun and the shining of the Chicago River that she could see through the skyline, Hannah realized that she was happy. Even more than that, she was feeling fucking great. Turned out that living with a bunch of criminals was even better than her cell in Mount Thornhill!

Her only longing was that Taehyung wasn't around to see how wonderful she was doing.

She hadn't seen him since her fighting evaluation, when he had left in a hurry. At first, she just thought he was busy, but after two weeks, she realized that the man was plainly avoiding her. She didn't have the slightest idea of why he was doing so, and it hurt her more than she wanted to let herself believe. It was fine that he didn't particularly like her, but was it really necessary to stay away from her in his own house? It seemed a little drastic and the girl wondered if really, he hated her that much.

However, even if he seemed to have vanished, she still couldn't stop thinking about him. Hannah was attracted to him in a way she had never felt before. He was pulling her to him like a powerful magnet, luring her, seducing her closer. Everything about him was appealing to her, from the way he carried himself, confident and bold, to the way he valued and cared for his friends, to his passion for art and his strong believes about how the world turned.

It was a powerful feeling, a perfect example of captivation in its purest, rarest form, but it wasn't enough to just be attracted to his mind, his body was also calling to her like a delicious, sinful dessert that was just waiting to be tasted. His strong hands, the veins appearing on his lower arms as he brushed the trigger of his gun, the flames in his onyx eyes and his wicked little grin made her entire body vibrate in despair for his touch.

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