Chapter 91

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      "Sidney, which color? I want like a bright beige or something." I spoke into the static phone. "Sierra, I don't know. How the hell am I suppose to see the color through the phone? Where the fuck is Mason. Why isn't he helping you?"

   "He is looking at paint brushes and stuff. Are you leaving?"

   "Yes, I gotta go. I'll help you paint when I get there. Bye love you." She hung up.

   "Got a color?" Mason looked at the color schemes in my hands. "Yeah, light beige walls and the trim can be a dark walnut color."

   "Sounds great, so like dark furniture?"

"Yeah, your idea."

     "Shocker, you listened to me." He laughed and I joined him.

   "You get the brushes, I got the paint."

   "Okay." I held the brushes and he grabbed the color schemes and we made our way to the check out counter. "How many buckets?" The kid asked Mason. "Uh, two beige and one of the walnut."

   "Yes sir." He walked away and Mason leaned up against the counter. "Where to after this?" I asked him.

    "Furniture shopping and lunch. Are you having the baby shower?"

   "Yeah, next week, I already have like bows and stuff."

  "Do I stay?"

      "I guess, if you want. Most guys don't."

  "I'm not busy though."

      "Alright, you can cook hamburgers and stuff." He laughed and looked at the boy coming back. "Can you carry all three Mason?"

   "Yeah, yeah. You can't carry one."

"I don't see why not."



    "I don't want you carrying one." He pulled out his wallet and I grabbed a can. "I got it Mason." He looked at me and paid the boy. "Be careful."

   "Sir, I can help you take it out if you would like."

   I interrupted Mason, "No thank you. We got it." Mason looked at me and grabbed the buckets. This thing is heavy.

    He set the buckets down next to the truck, unlocked it and I gave him my bucket. "Wait on me Si." He said. Si? He has never called me Si before. After he put the buckets up, he pushed me into the truck.


   "Okay, we need a crib, changing table, car seat, high chair, diapers, clothes, blankets, and bottles." I told him and he grabbed a shopping cart. "We are so unprepared for this baby." He laughed. We looked at the cribs and found one with a built in changing table with drawers. We also found a high chair and a cute car seat. "I'll look at some clothes." Mason smiled.

   "Hey Mason, do you know what size?"


  "Yes sir." He laughed and began on his way. I looked at the bottles and settled on curved ones. I found some formula that says all kinds of nutrients and shit. I guess that's what I need. I grabbed two of the biggest boxes if diapers they had and I seen Mason coming with an armful of clothes.

   "This one says, 'My dad is the best.' And this one says, 'My mom is my rock." He laughed and put them in the cart. "Can we afford all this?"

   "You are always worried about money. Calm down baby, I got you." He said. With that, I calmed and he hugged me. "It's alright to be scared. You're about to be a new mom. Baby, it's okay if we mess up sometimes." He whispered through my hair. His soft, plump lips hit mine and my body quivered. He leaned back and smiled at me, he knew what he was doing and it was killing me.

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