Chapter 1

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*Hello, this is my first story on Wattpad. I'm writing this from my phone and sometimes computer, so if there are some misspellings, please just read over it. I love to hear from you so comment and like! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! Warning: Contains sexual content and unkind words. You are warned.*

"Hurry up, or you're gonna change your mind!" My father yelled, while rushing me out of the house. I threw the rest of my bags into the backseat of my truck. I'm leaving, finally leaving.

"Darling, you will be just fine. Does Kourtney have your apartment set up yet?" I nodded at my mother, and gave her a tight, yet gentle hug.

"Yeah, the management said it's ready for me as soon as I get there." My father embraced me and kissed the top of the head, "Be safe, I love you." I dug in my pocket for the keys, "I love ya'll! I'll give you a call as soon as I get settled in!"

The door to my truck slammed shut and I sighed. A sigh of releif and excitement. I brushed of the nerves kicking in. This was my time. All my acheivements had led to this moment, and I will continue to succeed.

With a rumble, my old Dodge crunk, and I fastend my seatbelt. I pulled out of the driveway and onto the road. I am so excited. I am going to college!

This is amazing. College, is a huge deal for me. So many new opportunities awaiting for me! This was perfect.

I cut the radio on, to slowly drown out my thoughts. Already I'm tapping the sterring wheel and singing along.

My phone took me out of the music. I glanced down at it and then threw my eyes back on the road.

*Hey Gal! I can't wait to see you! We are gonna have a mega fun time. Like Hella fun. I'll see you when you get here! Bye Babe! I Love Ya!*

My best friend sent me with several smiley faces and an awkward sunglasses one. She just got a new phone and is insanely in love with the little emojis. Kourtney, has been my bestfriend since I was a freshman in highschool, now I'm about to be a freshman in College! She will be a Sophmore this year. I didn't come in till late in the semester, but it's alright. I get to share laughs with her again.

I smiled at the text and set my phone down. Only an hour in a half to go, then I'll be there.

Something flickered below my chin, and I looked down to realize, my gas light is on. I should have filled the tank before I left. Great, just great.

I was on the interstate.. This should be fun. I was on high alert for a sign to tell me upcoming gas stations.

Luckily I was able to find one a couple minutes after my light went off. I got off the interstate and searched once more.

I pulled into a pump, turned my truck off, and got out. Inside, was nice. Family owned I assume. I grabbed a Dr. pepper out of the fridge and placed it on the counter, "Also Twenty on pump two, please." The man across the counter, charmingly smiled at me, "No Problem Ma'am."

Outside, another truck pulled to the pump, opposite from mine. I pulled the cap open and started unscrewing the lid. "What year? '96, '97?" The voice kept talking as I searched for him. "Yeah, I wanted the same one myself. Couldn't get around to it though. You ever wanting to sell it?" Once I found him, I smiled, "Oh no, it's a '98. I wish I could help, but it's my only means of transportation right now." He smiled an understanding smile, "My name is Mason, if you're ever wanting to rid yourself of it. Give me a call." I reached my hand out to shake his, "Sierra, I sure will." He shook my hand firmly and quickly handed me a card. "Have a Nice day Ma'am." He smiled and walked inside. He was charming and handsome. His dark hair was cut perfectly and he had the slightest beard scruff, but it was adorable. People are just friendly in this town.

I finished pumping gas and began on my way. Fifteen minutes till I reach the apartments.

"Hey! Ugh, I'm so happy you're finally here!" Kourtney said, while squeezing me with a hug. "I miss you too." Was all I could get out. I opened the door of my truck and started grabbing my bags, while she was getting my comforts in the cab. "So the apartment is ready?"

"Absolutely! I kept making sure they would finish on time. It's a little dusty in there though." I laughed, "Just a little dusty?" Kourtney smiled and nodded. "Hey, I have to go into work in thirty minutes, so I can't help you unpack. But, when I get back, and if your still up we can watch some movies?"

"Sure thing. I'm Going to be out though, I'm swamped."

"You always are, lazy child. Okay, have fun, be careful, I'll see you in a few." She said while getting into her Jeep.

I began taking the bags up the stairs to the lobby. "Hey! Need some help?" I turned to face the Boy infront of me. "Oh, no thanks. I can do it." I smiled and assured him. "I'm Luke, I live up on the fifth floor." I smiled down at the kid, "Hi, I'm Sierra soon to be on second." He smiled and nodded, while walking away. I somehow managed to get all my bags and comforts inside the elevator. As I was pressing a button, the boy stopped the door with his foot. "Maybe, I can help you?" I smiled gesturing him to come in. "Have you lived here long?"

"Since I was eight."

"How old are you now?"

"Thirteen, just turned. My birthday was actually last week."

"Aw, Happy Late Birthday!" The elevator doors opened. He and I began piling my bags out of the elevator and rolling them to my new apartment door. "I'll see you around." He said while running back to the elevator. I laughed and kicked my bags into my room.

After I unpacked and cleaned up a bit it was already eight. I took a shower and brushed my hair, pulling it back into a slight, droopy ponytail. I put on a white T-shirt and some pajama pants

I was hungry and I had no food.

I was tired of driving so I decided Pizza delivery sounded pretty good right about now.

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