Chapter 18

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   "Hey girl, how are you feeling?" I asked Sophie. She looks so pittiful. She has her knees bent up and her hands under her belly. "It hurts so bad." I sat on the bed with her.

   "I know, but it'll be all done soon. And you will have a healthy baby boy lying right there." I nodded at her arms and she smiled. "I hope he will be okay." I layed my hand on her belly, "He will." She smiled at me and closed her eyes. She squeezed her belly and pulled her knees higher up. "They're getting worse." She barely spoke. Cody ran over to her, clearly concerend. I rubbed her arm and combed her hair with my fingers until it stopped. Cody looked at me and gave me a 'thank you' nod. 

   The door opened, "Hi, I'm nurse May. We're going to see how much you dialated until you're ready. The shot we gave you this morning to hold off the contractions might postpone labor. Let's check and see." The nurse reached under the blanket that was thrown over her and I turned around. "No dialation. The shot is working. You're going to have to stay here, so we can moniter her and you. The slightest motion at home can put you into labor." She nodded. I gave her and Cody a hug, then walked outside of her room to the waiting area. "Is she alright?" Mason stared at me, "Yeah, she is going to need to stay here until the latest date though." He sighed in releif.

   "I'm going to see her. I'll be right back." He kissed my forhead and went on his way.

   "Is she alright?" Her mother boomed through the hospital doors and looked at me. I told her everything and she walked back to the waiting room, while her father sat down next to me. He leaned back in his chair, sighed, and stared at the ceiling. "Are you alright?" I quietly asked him. He shook his head, "No." I rubbed his arm and he patted my hand with his. "Before Mason was born, my wife was pregnant with our first child. It didn't make it and this is just reminding me of it."

   I nodded at him and gave him a sympathy smile. I pulled him in for a hug and he mumbled in my ear. "We are so thankful for you. You're a bestfriend to my daughter and an amazing girlfriend for my son. We never had a good relationship till you came and he wanted to show us you. After he left he told us, he loved us." He paused and looked into my eyes, "He hasn't told us he loves us, since he left for college." He sniffled and sat back down. "I've been praying for someone like you to come along, and I am so happy you did."

   We sat in silence, I went out to Mason's truck and grabbed my book. He really needs to lock the doors.  Cade walked in and I explained the story. He walked back to the room.

   It was Mason's father and mother alone with me. I didn't want to go back and be the annoying girlfriend. I started reading my favorite book 'Wake' before I heard screaming. I looked at the door and saw a pregnant woman and her husband run through the door. He helped her into the wheelchair and several nurses took them to the back.

   After they left, I heard more screaming. I figured it was them because it was coming from the back rooms. But when I looked, the doors flew open and Mason was on top of Cade, screaming in his face. "You son of a bitch! What kind of fucking friend are you?" He screamed at Cade and threw punches at him. Mason's dad ran over to pull him off. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Mason pushed his dad away and looked down at the bloodied up boy laying on the ground. "He fucked Sophie. That kid probably isn't even Codys!" His dad looked down at Mason and his mom covered her face. Nurses came and helped Cade off the floor. What just happend? I comforted his mother amd watched his father stare at Cade. Should I go talk to Mason? Probably, not now though.

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