Chapter 36

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               Mason's P.O.V

   "Fuck Sierra, pick up the damn phone!" I'm calling her. I'm screaming her name. I am freaking the fuck out. I can't be without her. I'm going crazy, what the hell do I do? Go home, or motel. Fuck it, I'm going home. I don't give a shit, what she says. I'm gonna be there for her. I am not letting go of her now. I can already feel her slipping away....

                  Sierra's P.O.V

   I can't see the road. My eyes are filled with tears. I don't know if I messed up. I told him I didn't think it's a good idea for him to come home, but lord knows I want him to. I turn on the radio to drown out the thoughts of him and it's impossible. I stop at a red light and pull my phone from my purse. Four texts and seventeen missed calls from him. Why the hell is it raining? It was sunny a while ago. The rain and my tears is not a good combination. I suck it up and squint at the road. I dial his number and put my phone to my ear.

    "Sierra!" He yelled into the phone.

"Mason." I sobbed, "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have you left you like that. I'm such a bitch."

   "No, don't worry about it. Just calm down and get home, before the rain gets harder."

   "No! Listen to me!" I screamed. Headlights shined infront of me and I turned my wheel. I hydroplaned into a ditch. "Dammit!" I screamed. I cried even more. "Sierra! What happend are you okay?" Mason spoke back into the phone. I picked it up, "Can you..come get me?"

   "On my way." He said. He asked where I was and I told him my surrondings. He said he was about fifteen miles, so I layed my head back and nearly froze.

                 Mason's P.O.V

   I turned my car around and I floored it in her direction. She needs me, and I am going to be there for her. After almost an hour, I see her dodge in a ditch, I pull over, and run out to her. I ripped the door open and she looked at me, not too responsive. I pulled my jacket off and put on her. I picked her up and ran her to my truck. I ran back to her truck and grabbed her purse, keys, and crutch.

   "Are you okay?" I asked her as we pulled away. She mumbled. I sped home. I kept asking her questions to see her response, but I didn't get good ones. "Baby, talk to me."

   "My head hurts." She mumbled.

  "Rest, are you cold?" She nodded.

    "Don't fall to sleep, okay." She nodded. I cut the radio up to it was blaring. After a couple of minutes I saw her eyes closed and I screamed at her, "Sierra!" She opened slightly. "I'm not asleep." I held her hand so I can tug it when I notice she drifts.

   I place my hand on her forehead while she sat up in bed. "You have a slight fever. You doing okay?" She nodded, "Thank you." I waited until she fell asleep. I slept on the floor, I don't want to crowd her.

                 Sierra'a P.O.V

   "Stop!" He yelled at me and I did. I couldn't move or speak. I felt derranged. His smile grew into a sly look. The devil himself was standing in front of me and I just looked him up and down. His face was all black, and I never got a chance to see. He pushed a knife into my stomach and I yelped... I looked up into the eyes of him... I looked at Mason."

   I sat up and I was covered in sweat. I rubbed my forhead. It was just a dream...Just a dream. He would never purposely hurt me, not matter his anger. I breathed and I heard a commotion from the floor. He sat on the bed and hugged me, "Are you okay?"

   "Just a bad dream."

  "How often?"

    "Since." He squeezed me tighter and I cried in his arms, "Stay with me?" He lied down and pulled me into him, "Promise."

   "Why were you on the floor?"

  "I didn't think you'd like me in the bed."


  "Wanted to make sure you're okay."

    "I love you. You know that right?" He smiled and looked at me, "Yeah, I know. I love you."

   "I have school tomorrow." I mumbled, "Don't go."

  "You say it like it's not a big deal."

  "You're passing everything."

    "Still though."

  "Still what?"

     "I don't know, why are you asking so many questions?"

   "Because I'm curious." He smiled at me and I whispered to him, "What would I do without you?" He kissed my forhead and whispered back, "I don't know. I know that I wouldn't want to live another second." What?

   "Mason, don't say things like that."

  "I'm sorry, it's true though." I shook my head and he squeezed me, "Get some rest baby."

    "Goodnight." I mumbled. "I love you."

   "I love you."



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