Chapter 80

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              Sidney's P.O.V

I picked up a sack of oranges and set them into the shopping cart. I have everything on my list and now it's just time to check out. "Hey!" A voice stopped me. I turned to face the man walking frantically towards me. "This uh...fell out of your pocket." He gave me a pen. I don't keep pens in my pocket. "Thank you." I reached for it but he stopped me. "Can I um, get your name?" What the fuck? This guy is the worst at pick up lines. I dropped my pen that I am going to say was yours. Is that like an open invitation to fuck?

"You can keep the pen." I stated and he grabbed my cart. "Yeah, I'm sorry for my lame pick up lines, but can I get your number? I would really like to take you out on a date sometime." I stared at him blankly. "I'm engaged." His eyes dropped to the ground, poor thing. I almost feel sorry for him, almost. "He doesn't have to know." Now I definitely don't feel sorry for this little shit. "No thank you." I stated and scurried off.

I grabbed the sack of groceries from the trunk and began my way to the lobby. Where the hell is Cade? He can help me unload all this shit. I grabbed ahold of our apartment door knob and walked in.

  Cade ran over to me, a worried expression spread across his face. He grabbed the bags from my hands and set them on the counter. "Cade?" I questioned. He sprinted into the bedroom and came out with bags and a suitcase. "Come on, we need to go." He stated and sat the bags down at my legs.

"Go? Where to?"

"Sidney, we need to go."

"Cade, where are we going? What's the matter with you. You seem stressed, do you want.."

"No! I don't want anything. I need you to grab those bags and come the fuck on."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I spoke harshly. "Sidney! Get the fucking bags and get in the car. I am not asking you again."

"Tell me what's going on."


"I'm not taking a damn step until you tell me why or where the fuck we are going. I get home and you're acting like a crazy person. What the fuck Cade?"

"God dammit! Okay, I am a fucked up person and you're grabbing those bags so we can get the fuck out if here. I am damned if something happens to you."

"Baby, explain to me, please."

"There is nothing to explain! Get the shit and let's go!" He stumbled over the rest of the bags he was piling at the door.

"No, what the fuck is going on? You are going to explain all this shit." He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

"Okay, I just need you to keep an open mind, alright?" What the hell?

"Just, just pay close attention."

"Okay." I exhaled.

             Mason's P.O.V

I got up from the table and walked outside of the restaurant. Why the fuck is Cade calling me? He has been blowing up my phone. "Hello?" I answered.

"Mason, everything is so fucked up right now. I don't know what to do. This is completely my fault and I can't catch a break and..."

"Cade," I interrupted him. "Slow the fuck down and tell me what's happening."

"Sidney and I are leaving."

"Why? Where are you guys going?"

"She doesn't know we're leaving yet, but we're leaving."

"Cade." I heard him sniffle. Is he crying? Little bitch.

"Mason, Richie escaped prison and he's hunting me down." He stated. Holy shit. "Don't you let anything happen to Sidney, okay? Fuck, let's just figure this out. Sierra and I will come home tomorrow and figure all this shit out.."

"No Mason, don't. I don't want them finding you and hurting her. Sidney and I are fucking leaving."

"He's going to find one of us Cade. We need to be ready when he comes."

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