Chapter 27

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    "Don't get that, it's ugly." Mason was telling me as I pulled Cody a shirt out. "Mason, I don't know what to get him. "I'll go look for something."

   I picked out Mason's mom a pair of shoes that Sophie was telling me about and a gold watch for his dad. I got Sophie a cardagin she was gushing over. And I bought Kale little summer clothes. I got Jase some new jeans, because he doesn't have many. Kourtney got a new dress.  I got Ashton some hair gel and a dress shirt. I got Sidney a Pandora neckalace, I don't know what she would really like. Mason came back with two shirts for Cody. "Thanks for helping me." I smiled at Mason as he kissed me. "Congratulations." A woman next to us was brightly smiling. I looked at her, "The baby." She nodded towards my stomach. Mason looked down at me in shock. I was wearing a sweatshirt, so I guess it drooped over. Mason placed his hand on it and then sighed of relief.

   "Am I getting fat?" I asked him as we sat in the car. "No, don't let that woman have you all distraught."

    "Why didn't you tell me I was."

  "It's not my job to tell you you're fat, It's to tell you, you're beautiful. Besides, you're not getting fat. It was just your sweatshirt."  Oh lord.

   "I can't wrap this shit."

  "Mason just hold the tape then."

    "I forgot to tell you what you made on your exam."

   "Yeah, you never passed them out."

       "A Ninety-seven."

    "Are you kidding me? You didn't help me or anything, right?"

        "Right. All by yourself."

     "Heck Yeah!"

      "I'm so proud of you baby." I kissed him and he smiled, "What do you want for Christmas?" He asked me. I haven't really thought about it. I just really want him. That's all I want is us happy. "You." I smiled. "You got me everyday, babe." He jumped out of bed and walked to his closet. "Early Christmas present." He brought out this little red bag with white paper in it. "Open it." I smiled at him and pulled out the paper. In the bag was a red lace bra with some see-through material and white fuzz along with red lace panties. "Really?" I asked him and he smiled. I walked to my closet and pulled out a red manthong and santa clause hat. "I also thought this would be cute" I smiled at him, "There is no way in hell."

    "I'm not wearing that then."

  "You're killing me."

     "I love you." He smiled at me. "What do you want to do?"

   "A movie?"


    "Safe Haven?" I know its girly, but I know helikes those kinds of movies. He just won't admit it. "Where the hell have you been?" Mason asked Cade as he walked through the door. "Kourtney and I went shopping for Christmas presents." We looked at him, "And we had sex."

   "Are ya'll in a real relationship or are you just a boy toy?" Mason stared at him. "Well yeah, I mean. I don't know, I haven't asked her. Should I?"

    "Do you like her?"


    "Do what your gut tells you." Mason rolled his eyes at me as soon as I said it. "Well Mason, what did you do?" Cade asked him. "Well, I took this girl out, and I knew I had to make her mine."

   "How did you know though?"

       "We were having sex and she said seven words, that instantly made me beleive there is no one else."

    "Bullshit." Cade smiled and I sat there awkwardly. "It's true. You wanted me to tell you so I did."

   "Whatever... I got a job today as a waitor down at the Western Bar. I got a cell phone too." Mason shifted uncomfortably, "Did you give your number to them?"

   "No, I don't plan on it."

        "Good, I don't want her life in danger." What? "Mason, what are you talking about?"

   "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you if it's something important."

  "My life sounds pretty important."


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