Chapter 29

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                Mason's P.O.V

   "I'm just going to run to the store." I told her as she was in the shower. I should have gotten her gift earlier, but I was too consumed in work. "Alright, be careful. Come give me a kiss." I walked in the bathroom and it was filled with steam. "Are you taking a shower with boiling water, good lord." She laughed and peaked her head out the curtain. I gave her a kiss, "I love you."

   "I love you." She spoke softly.

    Why the is it so foggy outside? I can barely see the road, what the hell? I eased into the parking lot. My parking sucks, damn fog. Let's see what does she like? Candy, no that's so cliche'. A neckalace? Maybe. Fuck, I don't want to get her a shitty neckalace, I got to call her creepy asshole Asston. "Who is this?"

   "Fuckhead, it's Mason. I have a question."

    "Ohh, I know you'd want me one day. What can I do for you sweetie?"

      "I need to get Sierra something, and I have no idea what to get her."

  "A ring?"


  "She has always wanted a promise ring. Like you can put your birth stones in it with some motto on the back, like, 'I love you always.' Or something like that."

    "Alrighty, Thanks."

  "Anytime, boo." I walked to the woman behind the jewlwery counter, "Hi, how can I help you?"

   "I want a promise ring made."

  "Okay, what do you want it to look like? Do you want a phrase in it? Gold, silver?" Shit, all that? "Uhm, I want our birthstones. Emerald and Aquamarine, silver, can ya'll do like a twist shit, or something?"

   "We have a book of designs if you want to look at it?" Ugh, fuck. "Yeah." She handed me this thin book and I began searching. Exactly what I want, our birthstones and it's twisted in between them. "This one."

   "Okay, you said emerald, aquamarine, and you want the silver. We can engrave a sentence in it?"

   "Yeah, I want 'Darlin' I won't stop loving you.' In it."


  "What? It's good. She'll like it."


  "Size of what?"

      "Her finger." I looked at her hands, "Probably the same as yours."

   "Okay, it won't be ready till next week. We'll give you a call. It's one hundred and twenty-seven dollars."

    "Is it a magical fucking ring? Why is it so much?"

   "Christmas." I pulled out my wallet and grabbed the money then handed it to her. "Your phone number?" I told her, I hope that's the last of these dumbass questions. "Thank you. Have a great day."

    I walked over to the clothes. This shit is hard. I looked for some jeans for her, lord knows she loves them. What size is she? I'll just get a dress instead. What are these made of? They look unconfortable as shit. "Can I help you?" A woman my age asked. "Yeah, I'm trying to find my girl something, but I don't know what I'm looking for." She laughed, "Do you have a picture of her?" What? "Yeah." I showed her a picture we took the night we double dated with Cade. "Oh okay, that's a cute dress. She probably likes something of that material. Follow me." She took me to a rack of dresses one caught my eye. It was a light cream color dress. The sleeves were droopy and lacy, and the back was low. It was about knee length and it came with a belt. I don't know why dresses have belts, they're not holding anything up. I looked for one about her size. "Here." The woman said, handing me one. "This will probably fit. How about a neckalace?" She handed me a long neckalace with some smaller chains hanging off with what I assumed is plastic trying to resemble fashionable balls. "Thank you." She checked me out and put it in a bag she got off the wrapping rack, and pushed wrapping paper inside. "Have a great day." she smiled.

   I crunk up my truck when my phone rang, "Hey babe. I'm on my way."

    "Hello, yeah we paid a little visit to your girl and unless you want something to happen to her, you will tell me where your shitty brother is." My heart just collapsed. They have her. They have my fucking girl, I am going to kill these bastards. "Where are you?"

   "Were not going to give our location away, unless you give your brothers'."

    "If you hurt her I fucking swear to God, I will end you."

   "Find your brother." Was the last thing they said then they hung up. I called Cade, "Cade, where the fuck are you? They have Sierra. They fucking have Sierra!" I screamed into the phone. "Who?"

   "Them, you fuck!"

  "Them? Richie, oh my God."

    "Cade, what the hell did you do? They're looking for you. They took her and won't give her up till they have you. I'm calling the cops."

   "Don't you fucking dare! I could go to prison."

   "They're gonna hurt her!"

  "Fuck me. Okay, come get me. I'm at the motel on 21st."

   "Be outside." I drove as fast as I could. This fucking fog needs to dicipate. If they hurt her, that's it. I will loose my fucking head. I pulled into the parking lot and Jase opened the door. "What do we do?" He has a black bag. "Give him what he wants."

    "What is that?"

  "Money, It's fifteen grand. That's how much I owe him."

   "Where did you get fifteen grand? Why do you owe him?"

  "Mason, I had to sell."

    "Fuck, you're messing with the drugs and shit again?"

   "It's for ya'lls safety okay? I had to do it."


    "Shut the fuck up and give me your phone."

   "Hello, this is Cade. Where are you? I have your money. Don't touch her."

  I watched him as he nodded and spoke. "Mason go to old mill."


"The one a couple miles from your apartment." I started on my way. "Now, you tell me how this shit got started right the fuck now."

   "The night Sophie went to the hospital, I went to them. I told them, I wanted to work. They gave me a whole bunch of shit to sell. That's why when I said I was looking for jobs and shit, I was selling. Anyways, I stole the money, so I can get away and do my own shit. They caught on, and traced me. I didn't know what else to do Mason. If I give this back, maybe they'll kill me, or maybe let me go. As soon as they let go of Sierra, you two bail. I'll take care of the rest."

   "I am not letting you go. We need to call the cops to bust these guys." He sighed, "Okay."


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