Chapter 67

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   I sat up in bed and unwrapped myself from Mason. I pulled my legs off to the side and my feet hit the floor under me. I stood up and walked, but I stumbled and went face first into the ground. "Are you okay?" I turned to see Mason sitting up and staring at me unsure whether to help me or not. "Yeah, I'm fine." His shoulders eased as I stood up.

    I pulled the flat iron along my hair, forgetting about my hand, I clamped down on it. "Ouch!" I yelled and ran it under cold water. I burned my ear earlier and now my hand, what the hell? I heard footsteps rumble and Mason was in the doorway. "What happened?"

   "I didn't mean to wake you, I accidently burned myself." He walked up behind me and grabbed the flat iron, "You didn't. I have to get up in an hour for work anyways. Let me do it." He ran the flat iron along my hair making it shine and smooth.

   "Please don't burn me." I laughed at his face in the mirror. He's so concentrated. His tounge is out of his mouth and his eyes are squinted. "Stop giggling!" He smiled at me.

  I watched him straighten each strands if hair. "Good?" I nodded and turned to kiss him. "Great, you did an amazing job." He pulled the plug and set it down. He set his hands on my lower cheeks and cupped them, feeling more than just skin. He leaned down and planted a firm, sot kisss against my lips.


   "Ms. Dean." Professor Sneed called me and I walked up to his desk. "You didn't finish your exam. You missed a couple of questions. I counted them wrong. Even though, you made a good score of eighty-two." Weight lifted off my shoulders and I smiled at him. "I'll be a junior in college then soon, huh?" He laughed slightly and shooed me away. "What did you make?" Sidney's eyes were wide and full of excitement. "Eighty-two."

   "That's awesome! I made a ninety-five, but that's good too." I laughed at her comment and she looked down at her phone. I watched her hand move mysteriously at the keyboard and noticed something sitting on her finger. I grabbed her hand and examined the diamond displayed on a silver band. "No way!" She nodded and laughed. "Just last night."

   "How'd he do it?"

   "Okay, it was so funny. We went to dinner and it was on a breadstick that I bit into!"

   "A breadstick? How cliche'." She laughed, "Tell me about it. The sex though was so passionate." I nodded, "It should be. Especially if ya'll are in love."

   "I really love him. We have a love like you and Mason." I blushed and she nudged me.



   Mason's truck isn't in the parking lot. Where is he? He probably got stuck for something. I walked into the apartment, it wasn't locked. I shut the door and searched the house before settling at the table. I pulled paper and a pencil from my bag and began to write my essay for Literature.

   I wrote. Whatever I though, I let my pencil drag along the paper. After I realized I was already on my third page, I stopped. What did I even write about? I looked down and saw 'Us' printed across the top as a title. I wrote about us. I told our story. The idea was to write about something that influenced me, and I wrote about us.

   I gathered my things and put them into my bag. I walked to the kitchen and heated up the leftover lassagna in the microwave. I heard my phone ring so I ran to the table at the door where it was laying. I grabbed it, but missed the call. It was Mason. He just shot a text.


    *Hey, I'm behind the apartments. I'm working on ny truck.*


  I walked out back. He was bent over into the hood. His muscles flexed and twitched as he tightened thingd there and loosend things here. He turn to grab another tool and his eyes met mine. "Hey." He smiled.

   "Hi." I stuttered. I watched him grab his tool and turn around. His back dimples smiling once again. I walked over to him and traced the indensions in his arm as he moved. He looked at me and smiled. "What?"

    "You look incredibly attractive." He smiled down at me. I felt lips hit my hair and then a chin rest on top of my hair. "You're incredibly beautiful everyday."

    I leaned my head up to look at him. He kissed me. His hand landed on my cheek softly, rubbing circles with his thumb. I leaned back into the truck and his other arm landed on the window beside me. I swallowed his breath and felt his hardness against me. "Mason." I moaned as he kissed my neck. "Yeah?" He mumbled. "Dinner is ready." He looked up, smiled at me, and then kissed me again. "I'll be up soon."

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