Chapter 14

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  It's been a day and a half, since I have talked to Mason. A day my phone has been blown up from text and calls. He's going crazy, but I am hurt. I love this man and I don't know if I should forgive him or not.

   Kourtney burst through my apartment door, "Hey! You need to go out and stop moping around here." How did she get in? My door is locked. "I'm not moping. I'm studying." Kourtney smiled at me, "Ashton is here." I jumped from my seat, "What? No way! When?" She smiled and sat down. "He goes here, I seen him walking and I stopped to talk to him. Since Abby has been busy, I finally got a hold of her and we all have dinner tonight." I grabbed a towel and started undressing. "Where? I'll drive us." She smiled at me. "At five, and I think we're going to 'Applebees'." I smiled, "Okay, go get ready."

   "I am dumbass." Kourtney, you're so sweet...not. I wore my peach simple dress with a belt. I did minimal make-up and my boots.

   Kourtney and I drove to Applebees. "Has he tried talking to you?" Kourtney asked me. "Only the seventy-three texts and twenty-nine phone calls." Her jaw dropped, "Seventy-three texts? That man really loves you. I'd be lucky if I get one a day from Todd."

   "How are you and Todd? I have been so consumed with Mason to even ask, I'm sorry."

   "It's fine. Todd and I are great. The sex is fantastic."

   "Are you with him, because of the sex?" Kourtney smiled at me, "No, maybe. I don't know. There is something different about him though."

   "Oh, is Kourtney in love?"

  "No, hell no. Love is just bullshit."

  I looked at her and she smiled shyly, "Sorry, you know I don't believe it." I sighed, "I know, but I don't think you found it yet."

  We pulled into the parking lot. "Are they here?" I asked Kourtney as she looked down at her phone. "Yeah their sitting down."

   "Hi, I am looking for a tall man and a woman with long black hair." I asked the hostess. She smiled at me, "Dyer, Abby? She's right this way." She led us to her table. "Oh my goodness, it's been so long!" I hugged Abby and Ashton. Ashton smiled brightly, "Hey you sexy thang." I hugged him. I love my Ashton. "Hey, we need to go shopping soon, like old times." Ashton said to me. "Heck yeah! Just don't run me broke this time." We laughed.

                 Mason's P.O.V

   "What the fuck am I supposed to do Cade? That girl is my fucking life, okay?" Cade was sitting there looking at me, "Dude, I never seen you like this before. Are you on something?" Did he.. no way. "What the fuck? No, I'm not on anything you fuck. I'm really fucked up over this girl now. I don't know what the hell I did wrong, it wasn't even a big deal." Cade looked up at me, "Space?" What? "No, not fucking space? This isn't astronomy and shit." He shook his head, "No dumbass! Space, like give her some space."
   "I can't do that."
   "Why the fuck not?"
  "I don't know man. Because, I love her so damn much."

   "If you want to keep her. Give her space."

  "That's gonna be hard to do man."

   "Hell I know. But it would be worth it."

   Letting go of Sierra is like putting a gun under my chin. If I know she's really gone, just pull the trigger. It was a small fight, I mean come on. I love this woman, and I am not about to lose her. What's best is best.

              Sierra's P.O.V

   "I don't know about this one." Ashton frowned at his apperance in the mirror. "I mean my butt looks good. This tie, is just..." I interrupted him. "That is a gray shirt with a light pink tie and black dress pants. Babe, you look fine. Maybe we could give you a slight mohawk or something. That would make you so cute!"

   "A mohawk? I don't know. You know my hair does something weird with gel."

   "No it would be fine. Brody is going to love how good you look in that outfit."

   "I sure hope he doesn't get me out of it too quick." Ashton turned around and gave me a sly smile. "You dirty boy. Hey, why didn't you tell me you were here? And living in the frat house?" He sighed and turned to me. "I don't know. We stopped hanging out. Kourtney saw me and stopped me. As soon as she threw out your name, my heart dropped. I knew I had to see my best friend." He smiled at me. "I love you." He spoke as I was putting gel in his hair, "I love you too." We have been best friends since we were eight. So this is amazing. "Are you going to wear your coat? It's cold outside."

   "No mom. This is long sleeve, besides Brody will give me his." He snickered and looked at his phone. "He's here, want to walk me out?"

   "Yeah." I held my arm at an arch and he put his arm through it. We began walking down the stairs, when Mason's voice stung my ears? "Are you fucking kidding me?" What? Mason quickly ran over to us. "Who the hell is this? He was infuriated, he grabbed Ashton and pinned him up against the wall. "Mason, Stop!" I said pulling him off Ashton and standing infront of him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled at him making sure Ashton is okay. "What the fuck do you mean? You're here with this asshole. You expect me to be calm?"  The door front door swung open and a blonde headed boy ran in to attend Ashton. "Oh my God, Baby are you okay?" Mason looked confused at me. "No this asshole attacked me." Brody got up and walked towards Mason, but I stepped in between them. "I saw her and I thought..." He was cut off by Ashton, "You thought what? Dumbass, I'm gay." He stood there and looked at him then walked out the front door. "I am so sorry Ashton, I didn't..."

   "Stop, it's fine. I love you, be careful, okay?" He smiled at me and him and Brody left. I walked out the front door only to find Mason sitting on a chair with a couple of other guys. "Hey girl." One smiled and winked at me. Mason scolded him and he walked me to my truck. "Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't know." I got in my truck and stuck my keys in the ignition, "You'd really think I'd do that to you? That's what hurts me, Mason." He stopped and he looked at me, into my eyes. I felt sorry for him. I love him. I saw the hurt in his eyes and them flicker to my lips then back to my eyes. His body is trembling and he looks like hell.This was killing me. This man was going to be the death of me.

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