Chapter 46

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"So, how do you know Professor  Sneed?" I asked Mason while I took my shoes off. "I just know him. We use to be in the same classes. We um... We did some pretty demeaning things, that don't need to be discussed. Stop calling him professor, he is the same exact thing that I was." Demeaning? I had a feeling I knew what, but I really didn't need to know...right now.

"Oh, alright."

"How's your ribs?"

"They hurt today, probably because I fell down the steps at the Tavern."

I seen a smile on his face, "You fell?" I playfully hit him, "It's not funny!" I pulled a pan from the cabinet and washed my hands. "What are you making?" I heard him yell from the bedroom, "Chicken!"

After I put it in the oven I walked to our bedroom. Mason sat on the bed with papers scattered. "How was work?"

"Great! I love it. I'm just planning next week right now."

"Oh alright, I'll tell you when the food is done." He smiled at me and looked down on his work.

I took the food out of the oven and set the table. I pulled a beer from the fridge and set it down next to Mason's plate. Then I poured a glass of wine for myself. I walked into the bedroom and saw Mason sound asleep with papers everywhere. I gently shook him, "Come get dinner." He smiled softly and sat up.

He brought the dishes to the sink and started to wash them. "Hey! Go to bed alright." I smiled at him and he nodded tiredly, then walked away. Something is up with him tonight. He looked sad and useless. I did the dishes, took a shower, and walked into the bedroom. Mason sat straight up, staring at the ceiling, "Are you okay?" I asked. He shook his head, "I'm sorry." I layed my head on his stomach and wrapped my arm around him, "Tell me."

"I've just been thinkin' about me and that guys past. It's making me upset." He mumbled. "I'm not gonna ask you about it, but it's in the past. You have to worry about the present and future." I felt his lips hit my hair and his shoulders ease.

A knock on the door brought us out of our embrace. "Who's that?" He asked me and sat up. I got up and began to walk out of the bedroom, "You're not answering the door like that!" I turned to him, and watched as he got out of the bed. "What?"

"You're wearing my shirt without a bra and panties. I'll get it." I laughed, "Okay Darlin'." He left and I walked behind him. He looked through the peephole, "Sidney?" He looked at me. He walked to the bedroom and I opened the door, "Sidney?" She hugged me tightly. Her face is red and eyes filled with water. "Come in." I led her to the couch. "What's wrong?" She sniffled, "My boyfriend and I broke up and he kicked me out." I hugged her, "I'm sorry. You're welcome to stay here okay? We have a guest bedroom." She smiled sweetly, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..

"Hey, I want to. We're bestfriends I'm here for you." Mason walked into the living room, "Sierra." He mumbled. Sidney's mouth dropped at the sight of him. He was wearing low-hanging pajama pants and no shirt. His beard is driving me crazy. Mason smiled shyly, "Hey Sidney." He walked into the kitchen, filled him some water, and walked into the bedroom."

"No way!" I smiled at her, "Yeah."

"Sorry it's a little boy-ish. The last person that stayed her was a guy."

"It's fine."

"If you want, you can catch a ride with me tomorrow to save gas?" She smiled sweetly.

I layed in the bed with Mason. "What happend?" He mumbled. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I can't sleep without you." I kissed his forehead. "I'm here babe. I'll tell you in the morning, you have work."

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