Chapter 17

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   "How did you sleep?" Mason asked me leaning in the bathroom doorway. "Terrible." He laughed and brushed his teeth. "Atleast Ashton's alright." I nodded. "Oh my gosh. Babe, I completley forgot I had work today." He wrapped his arms around my waist after he spit out his toothpaste. "I didn't. I got your guitar in my truck. I'll drop you off after school." I kissed his cheek, "I love you." He smiled and squeezed me tighter. "So am I moving in this weekend?"

    "Yeah, I think Mr. Judd has some boxes we can use. I'll ask him tonight."

   "Alrighy Baby." He kissed my cheek and looked in the mirror at us, "You're so beautiful."

   "You're amazing." He turned me to face him. "Is that right?" He picked me up and set me on the counter. "That's right." I pushed my lips to his and moved my jaw slowly, to the motion of his.

   "Guys, we need to get ready." Ashton spoke slightly. Mason leaned his head back, sighed, and helped me down.  We walked back to Ashton's room and I dug through the bag Mason brought. "Blue lace panties?" He smiled at me, "They're my favorite." He brought me blue lace panties, the matching bra, jeans, and his white t-shirt. "Babe, your shirt?" He smiled, "Yeah I couldn't find anyone of yours, that would be comfortable." I smiled at him and his frown turned into his innocent look.

   Classes were alright today. I have a project due Friday, so this will be fun. Everyone stared at me in Mason's shirt today... You could see my bra through it, but oh well. We pulled into the tavern parking lot. Mason handed me my guitar and helped me out. "So, are you going to make us cry tonight?" He smiled at me. "No, tonight I'm playing your song."

   "My song?"

  "Him." He smiled at me and led me inside. "I'll be at the bar. Goodluck." He kissed my forhead and I walked to the stage.  "How are ya'll tonight? Sorry about my outfit, I just couldn't decide what to wear." The crowd laughed at my corny joke. I began to play. I let my fingers linger on the guitar strings. My voice filled the tavern and everyone danced along.

   After I finished, everyone clapped and cheered. Mason even stood on the bar and screamed.

   "You were fantastic tonight." Mr. Judd harshly slung his arm over my shoulder. I smiled shyly, "Do you have any boxes you're throwing out?" His puzzled face made me laugh, "Why the hell do you need boxes?"

    "My boyfriend is moving in with me and..." He interrupted me, "I didn't ask for your life story." What the hell? "Sir, it was only eight words." He nodded, "Go out back. There is a man that manages inventory. I think his name is....Shit I don't know, but tell him I sent you."

   I smiled sweetly, "Will do, thank you." He walked away and sipped his scotch. I searched for Mason. "Hey, you were awesome!" He came up behind me. "Thanks, let's grab those boxes." I yelled over everyone. He nodded and I led him to the back.

   I found a young man holding a clipboard and looking at the alcohol packaging. "Excuse me sir, Mr. Judd sent me back her to get some boxes." He nodded and pointed to the stack of empty boxes. Mason and I grabbed all that we could carry and headed to his house.

   "I'll get everything from the bathroom." He nodded as he threw clothes into a box. "You sure you want to do this?" He looked at me, "Are you having doubts?" I shook my head, "No, I'm just making sure." He went back to throwing his stuff into the box.

   I began taking shampoos and body wash from the shower, piling them into the box. "You want your razors too?" I yelled and heard a slight, "Yeah." I closed the box, checking the bathroom to make sure I got all the tolitries and made my way into the lobby. "Do you want some help with that?" A woman smiling brightly asked me. "Sure, thank you." She helped me get the box into the truck bed and then walked away, without saying anything... Weird?

    I walked back to Mason's apartment and heard him on the phone, "What? Is she okay? I'm leaving now." He ran into me as I walked through the door, knocking me down. "Babe, I'm so sorry." He helped me up and kept frantically apologizing. "I'm fine, what happend?" He shoved me out the door and locked it, "We need to go to the hospital."


   "Sophie, started having contractions." I got excited, "That's awesome! Aren't you excited? Stop freaking out." He shook his head. "She's twenty-nine weeks. Babe, she's very early."


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