Chapter 87

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     A movement in my abdomen woke me. I sat up quickly, due to my lack of breathing.    

     "Okay?" Mason's raspy voice took me from my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm great."

   "Why are you up."

  "Moving." Mason eyes shot open and he put his hand on my belly. "I don't feel it." He moved his hand around and pushed in a little.

   "It's not kicking, like it sprawled out real fast and then it stopped." Mason moved his head to my belly and kissed it. "It's too crowded, it wants to come out." I laughed and he smiled.

                    Sidney's P.O.V

     "Sidney." Cade moaned in my ear.

    "What time do you go?" He stuttered. "Shh." I whispered and his pace picked up. I swiveled my hips and his eyes shot open. "Just like that baby, just like that." His free hand found its way to my breast and he squeezed only to increase the pleasure. I leaned up and yelped.
    He grabbed my hair and tugged. I leaned up against him and he pushed me back onto him.

    Pleasure shot through me and for a moment I couldn't see. The world stopped spinning, only his touch kept me here.

    "Sidney, fuck Sidney." His voice brought me out of my state. He grabbed my neck and held onto me. His muscles flexed and he sped up only to slow down. His heart beat increased and his gasps got louder and heavier.

    I ran my fingers up and down his bare body. "I have to go to class soon."

   "Don't." He muttered and tryed to catch his breath. "I have to. Tonight Sierra, Ashton, and I are going out."

    "Don't be drinking."

  "Sierra is pregnant, what fun is that?" He let out a chuckle and cuddled up to me. "What time do you have to go into work?"

    "Late, I have to close tonight so I'm not going to be home till about twelve thirty."


"I love you."

     "I love you too."


   "Careful Sierra, don't pop my baby out!" Ashton laughed at her and she walked to the ball holder and carefully chose her ball. After careful inspection, she found some bright orange ball and tossed it quite awkwardly down the lane.

   "Spare!" Ashton's voice pierced my ears.

   "Sid, your turn!" Sierra smile and skimped over towards me. I picked up a ball from the small machine and took my stance at the end of the lane. I inhaled sharply, and exhaled slowly. I reared my arm back and walked towards the lane, about to throw.

   "Bahh! Ashton yelled and I threw my ball right into the swamp, or ball ditch. "Ashton! You asshole!" I screeched. Him and Sierra continued to laugh and Ashton had to calm down before he could say his sentence. "You still have another try, I'm going to grab another beer real quick, Brody?" He questioned Brody next to him and they both stood up.

   I rolled again, getting a strike. I can barely contain my excitement. "Great job Sid!" Sierra laughed and clapped. I took a sheepish bow only to expose her laughter more.

   "Come on mama." I pulled her up from her seat and we made our way to the concessions.

   "Can I get a water and french fries, like a bunch of fries. What do you want?" Sierra looked at me. "Nachos and a large sprite." She looke at the cashier and smiled as she handed him the money. "It's gonna be about ten minutes, the food has to cook."

   "That's fine, thank you." I told him and he did a slight nod. Why the fuck is this fuck nodding?

   We walked into the bar side of the bowling alley to find Ashton and Brody. There they were, drunk as a skunk messing with the bartender.

   "Hey ladies!" Brody laughed and Ashton took a hold of his beer bottle.

   He put the tip of the bottle in his mouth and sucked it. "Ashton!" Sierra laughed. He got mad when he discovered he wasn't getting any alcohol in his system. Brody patted his back and looked at his wrist. "Okay, time to go baby." He slurred and tried to help Ashton up. Ashton grabbed his beer and when he hit his feet he stumbled. "Fuck." He muttered. Brody started laughing so hard he fell to his knees. I looked at Sierra, she looks pissed.

   I walked to Ashton and picked him up off the floor. Sierra took my instructive action and tried to help up Brody. Brody is a big guy, I don't know if she can hold him up like that. She wobbled a bit when he propped himself against her. "Sierra be careful." She nodded and made her way to the door.

    "Okay Brody, stand right here against the truck so I can open the door." He closed his eyes and leaned against the truck. I watched her open the door and Brody hit the ground. "Brody! She yelled and tried to bend over. I started laughing but she glared at me.

  "I can't pick him up."

     "Here, hold Ashton."

   "Don't forget his keys in his pocket." She told me. I shoved my hand in his pocket and retrieved his keys, then I struggled to get him up. "Fuck, I can't get him up."

   "Should we call Cade and Mason?"

      "Fuck no! Cade said no drinking and I had like two beers."

   She looked at the ground as if it had answers. "I'll go get someone." She muttered and eased Ashton onto the ground. Brody is passed out and Ashton isn't aware of where he is. She scurried away and I looked at the two drunken idiots. I pulled Brody's keys from my pocket and turned to his car next to me and made sure it was locked.

    I looked over at Sierra who was being followed by a couple of bigger guys. "Hey!" She smiled.

   "These are the guys?" The one with dark hair and a wavy beard laughed.

   "You want them in there?" The other chuckled.

   "Please, we tried, but I couldn't bend over and he is way too heavy." The man nodded and he and the other guy picked Brody up and eased him into the truck. Then, they got ahold of Ashton and pushed him into the truck. "Thank you so much!" Sierra praised them and they smiled. She reached into her purse but they stopped her.

   "No need for that, we're just helping out." She frowned and then lit up. "We ordered food before we decided to leave if you guys want it?"

   "We couldn't.." She interrupted him, "It's the least I can do, besides we're not going to eat it and it's paid for." She nodded a thank you and I sat in the passenger side of the truck. It's fucking cold out there.

   "That was nice of them." I told her as she got in the truck and cut the heat on. "Yeah."

   "They sleeping at your house?"


    We pulled into the parking lot and she turned and looked at them in ths back. "Ashton and Brody!" She yelled and Brody jolted awake.

   We helped them get out the truck and up to the steps. We all got inside the elevator and Ashton collapsed, making Brody cackle. "Ashton!" Sierra hissed.

   I am so fucking tired. I just want to get into the bed. My wedding is next week. Fuck, it's already next week.

   The elevator door broke me out of my thoughts and Brody stumbled out. He dragged Ashton behind Sierra to the apartment. She opened the door and helped Brody pick up Ashton.

   "Sierra!" Mason yelled and sprinted towards them. "Ashton's a little.. Yeah." He nodded and took Ashton from her.

   I hugged her and rubbed her belly. "Goodnight Si."

    "Sleeptight Sid."

An Imperfect FairytaleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora