Chapter 101

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               Mason's P.O.V

I held her everytime her contractions came. She curled up and squeezed me. I don't know what to say to help her, I can't help her.
"Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded and kissed my hand. I sat in the chair next to her and pushed her hair away and kissed her forehead.
"You ready to be a mom?"
"No, are you ready to be a dad?" Am I?
"Absolutely." She smiled and furrowed her eyebrows together and squeezed my hand. "Deep breaths baby." I told her and she slowed down her breahing.
"You know, what I said about the baby, I didn't mean it."
"I know, baby I was so mad when you didn't change your name, that means everything to a man. Why didn't you tell me about the Interview? I want to know all your achievements and be there for you."
"I was worried about money and..."
"How many times do I have to tell you not to worry. Just trust me, okay?"
"I love you." She smiled sweetly.
"I love you, more than you will ever know."
A nurse walked in and examined the monitors above.
"Your contractions are getting bigger and faster. We need to see how much you dialated."
The nurse lifted her gown and I looked away.
"Four in a half centimeters." I heard her mumble.
"About an hour sweetie." She smiled and left.
"This can't be happening." Sierra sobbed and put her head into my hands.
"It's okay Sierra, we get to meet our baby."
"It's early." She sobbed harder.
"Everything is okay, baby I'm here." She squeezed my hand and I felt her body tense. I rested my hand on her abdomen and lightly ran it up and down her and she relaxed.
"Tucker, you have a visitor." Tucker? I looked at Sierra and she smiled, "You changed it?"
"Yes." I kissed her soft lips and followed the nurse.

"How is she?" Sierra's father beamed at me. "She's alright, just a little scared." I looked at her mother. "She's been asking for you." Her mother lit up and walked to the back.
I took my seat next to her father and leaned back.
"You have no idea." His rough hand hit my back, "She's gonna be alright."
I shook my head and burried my face in my hands. "I hope so. I don't want to lose them."
"You won't lose them, she's a fighter." She is, that eased me up a bit. "Are you ready to be a father?"
"More than anything."
"You know, I'm glad it was you."
"Over Nicholas. Don't get me wrong you're a major fuck up, and I don't like you, but I'm glad it was you."
"You brought her out. I have never seen her this happy. Besides, that other guy was a whiny bitch all the time." He laughed and I smiled.
"Mason!" Sidney's voice hit me.
"Where is she?"
"Back there with her mom." She nodded and Jase sat next to me.
"It's happening Mason." Cade stared at the ceiling.
"I know." I smiled to myself.
"I hope she's alright." Cade whispered. I hope so too.
"You know, I have prayed all damn day." He looked at me.
"I have never prayed before I met her." I whispered.

I stared at the ceiling. I am about to be a father and I am not nervous one bit. I will have a piece of me running around and raising hell if it's anything like me.
Words cannot describe how happy I am. I am sated and relaxed. I will soon be able to hold a precious little baby in my arms.
"Mason." I looked up at Sidney. She smiled and nodded, "It's time." I jumped up from my seat and walked back.
I took Sierra's hair in my hands and I put it up for her. "You ready baby? Focus on my voice okay?" I kissed her lips and she smiled.
A nurse rolled a red biohazard box in with a doctor behind her.
"Mrs. Tucker, between intervals we need you to push, give it your all okay?" He told her and she nodded.
He stood at the end of the bed and I held Sierra's hand. "Put your feet up here." The nurse told her and she put each of her feet on the stands.
"Let's deliver your baby." The doctor told her and pulled his mask on.

"Push baby, come on." I told her. Her body tensed and she grabbed my hand. A soft groan escaped her lips and she leaned back.
"You're doing great Sierra, just a couple more!"
"One..Two..Three push!" Her mother said and she leaned up.
"It hurts." She mumbled and leaned back. "I can't." She whispered. Her mother looked at me and I looked down at Sierra.
"Yes you can Sierra. Don't stop, you can do it okay? Nothing has ever stopped you before." I kissed her cheek.
"Push mama, push." I told her and she cringed her face and she yelled. "I see the head." I doctor looked at her, "You're doing great! One more Sierra!" I told her and she pulled up on my hand.
A tiny scream pierced my ears and I looked at the small baby. My world stopped. In that moment I have never loved anything more.
I looked at Sierra and she smiled tiredly at me. "You did it." I whispered and kissed her.
The nurse gave her to me and I kissed her forehead. I let my tears fall. I looked at Sierra who was smiling and crying. I handed her to her and she rocked her slightly.

I walked out into the waiting room and everyone looked at me. "It's a babygirl and she's beautiful." I smiled and Cade hugged me.
Charles looked at me and smiled. "Can we see her?" Sierra's father stared at me.
"They are checking her and making sure she's healthy right now."
"You did good, son." Charles hugged me and I let out a faint sob.

I looked through the glass window at Sierra holding her. She quickly wiped her face and kissed her cheek. She looked at me and her smile grew wide.
I walked in and pulled Sierra into my embrace. "You did good baby." I whispered in through her hair and she stared at our baby girl.
"We did this." She laughed.
"She looks like you." I told her and she looked up at me.
"I love you." She kissed me.
"I love you." I whispered and looked down Ryleigh.
"Nothing is better than this moment. Right here, right now." Sierra grinned and Ryleigh rustled.
"Now she has to meet everyone else."

As I look down at my babygirl I realize what life is really about and how far I came.
I overcame drugs, hurting, and loosing something that means so much to me. This is my life now, and I am ready to live it.
I am going to be better for her. I will strive to do my best for my family. My family, it just tickles my lips.

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