Chapter 85

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    I prepped dinner and waited on Mason. Him and Cade went to the police station, hopefully he'll come home tonight..

    The front door opened and I walked out of the kitchen to find Mason smiling. "They found him." He spoke calmy amd my lips curved up. He walked over to me and kissed me. I turned my head slowly. He leaned up and looked down at me. "Okay." He said.


   "Hey Mr. Judd." I smiled at the old man. He lifted his drink up and waved at me.  "How long has it's been? It feels like forever since your little ass has been here. You and thinkin' bout quitin' on me are ya?" He laughed and took a sip of his drink. "Actually I kind of need to." I spoke up. "Why? You got a good thing going here."

  "I need something more than just singing a couple nights a week."

  "Well, what the hell you want? You want to bartend or something?"

  "I actually shouldn't be in a bar."

"Why the hell not?"

     "I'm pregnant." His eyes widened and he held up his glass. "Congratulations Girl." He threw back his drink and looked at the ice remaining. "So, what do you plan on doing?"

   "I figured, I can still come in until I find a job that better suits me." He nodded and looked at the ground. "We'll miss ya round here."

   "I'm not leaving yet."

"Then why the hell are we having this conversation? Go on up ar' and sing." Before I could object he looked past me at the bar and started on his way. I grabbed my guitar and headed towards the stage.

                Mason's P.O.V

   "Ooh that's cold." Sierra squeezed out a giggle and searched the small screen displayed above. I watched the nurse roll something around her belly along with the gel. I glanced up at the screen to find a little circle. "Tiny." Sierra's voice echoed and the nurse laughed.

   I'm finally going to have a baby with the woman I love. Everything is falling into place. I never would have thought I would have settled down, let alone have a baby. I looked at Sierra who was smiling from ear to ear at the screen. It's a tiny little sack, but she loves it already. "Hear that?" The nurse looked at me. I looked at Sierra who was still smiling and not paying attention to me. "Listen." The nurse stated. I hushed my breathing and listened to little thumps. "Is that its heart?" I questioned, unable to contain my excitement.

   "That is it." The nurse confirmed. "Holy shit!" I looked at the screen and Sierra was laughing at me. I watched her turn her head from me and wipe her face. "Wow." She whispered.

   "Vitals look good. Everything seems to be in shape. You are about ten weeks along and we should see back in here in a couple of weeks." The nurse wiped the gel off her stomach and Sierra pulled her shirt down. The nurse stood up and handed me little slips of paper. "What are these?"

   "Sonogram pictures." I looked down at the little black and white slips of paper. Sierra leaned over my shoulder and smiled at them. I felt her chin rest on my shoulder.

   I glanced over at her, my shotgun rider. She is still smiling at the pictures. I looked at the road and then back at her. She was smiling at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing." She lied. "Baby, tell me."

   "I'm just lucky."

"How so?"

    "I am married to you." She doesn't realize that I am the lucky one.

  "I'm lucky on that part." She smiled and leaned back in her chair.

   "What are we going to do?" She questioned.

   "What do you mean?"

  "I have to go college, I don't have a good job for the baby, and you're a teacher."

  "Online schooling. I will provide for you and the baby, that's what I'm suppose to do."

   "Online schooling?"

      "Yeah, the college offers it and since you're on a scholarship, it'll be cheaper for them." I looked over at her and she smiled at me. "How do I do the online schooling?"

   "The one that they offer doesn't start till the end of the summer, but they will let you pick up where you left off. You have to go into class once a week though, or something like that I'm not too sure. Just talk to the dean sometime."


    "Are you alright? Still mad at me?"

  "Yes and no."


  "I'm fine, I just feel like you're not really excited for the baby."

     "Are you kidding? I am going crazy not being able to just fucking scream that I'm going to be a dad."

  "You don't seem like it."

      "You have no idea."

   She shyly smiled and I used my free hand to grab hers. I brought it to my lips and I felt sonewhat of her fire. Just burning, burning for me.



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