Chapter 2

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I woke up to a dim room. Sunlight was barely shining through the curtains. On the nightstand, the clock said 9:07. Time to get up.

After I showered, I blew dried my hair and curled it, pinning the sides back, framing my face. I decided I would wear some dark jeans, a long sleeve, my boots, and light make-up. I looked good. Simple, but good.

I grabbed my purse and phone, then headed out the door to Kourtney's apartment on the third floor. When I walked out of the door, I ran into her in the elevator. "Hey! You look good."

"Thanks, so do you. So, what's the game plan for today?"

She smiled, "Well, the tour of campus first, then shopping for your appartment, We can get our nails done, and then have a nice lunch. I know a great western girl not far from campus.".

"Perfect. I'll drive."

We got into my truck and made our way to campus. "Oh, I love this song!" Kourt screamed in excitment while turning up the radio. I laughed and sang along. She cut it up way to high, to where the bass was making my steering wheel shake. But, I didn't mind. I missed times like these. So, I sang along.

"Park there! Right there!"

"Hold on I'm trying."

"Park! Hurry!"

"Kourt, Chill!"

I eased my truck into the parking place, cut it off, hoped out, and lock the doors. "You ready?" Kourtney said while wrapping her arm around my elbow. I just smiled and tried to keep up with her pace. For a short girl, she moves fast.

"...And over there is the Athletic building. They have a fair amount of activities, yoga, baseball, aerobics, football, a gym, etc." Our Tour guide said. Kourtney insisted on taking me around and showing me herself, but if that was the case we wouldn't get anything done. "Hey, you think he's cute?" Kourtney said while nudging me and pointing at the tour guide. "Yeah, go talk to him."

Kourtney immediatley began fixing her hair and pushing her breasts up. I laughed and watched her as she walked away.

"Sierra, right?" A familiar voice said as I turned around to find where it was coming from. "Funny meeting you here." I smiled at the man that I met at the gas station. "Oh Hey! Are you a freshman here too?" Mason laughed and looked down then back up, "No, actually I'm a professor. Well not a real professer, but I'm training to become one."

"Really? What do you want to teach?"


"No way I love science!"

Mason laughed and gave me a side hug squeezing my shoulder, "A fellow science nerd, always a pleasure. You should come with me I can show you the science building. It is amazing."

"I'm waiting for a friend, but I do have a class over there. Maybe I'll see you sometime."

He nodded, "Maybe. I'll see you around Sierra."

He turned on his heel and walked away. Good lord, he is stunning.

"Who was that hunk?" Kourtney said giggling and walking towards me. "My friend, did you get his number?". Kourtney smiled at me amd turned to wave at the guide. "Todd and I have a date tomorrow night."

"Ooh, Todd Huh?"

"Hush, let's finish the tour." Kourtney sounded embarrassed, but I was happy for her.

After the tour we headed out to the nearest grocery store. I grabbed a buggy and began piling supplies into it; Plates, bowls, silverware, candles, tolitries, washing powders, groceries, and any other thing that Kourtney walked by and thought it was cute.

At the nail salon, I decided to go with a pedicure and manicure, doing french tips. As my feet were being massaged and nice, I fell asleep countless times. "Still up for dinner?" Kourtney asked me, pulling me from falling asleep again.

"Yeah, I haven't ate nothing all day, I am going to pig out." I was very careful opening the door of my truck and trying to get in without messing up my nails. "Okay, just pull out, take a left at the red light." I nodded and struggled buckling my seat belt, "Who are you texting over there? Would it happen to be Todd?" She laughed and looked up. "As a matter of fact it is Todd, and after lunch can we go to the clothing store. I want a new outfit for this date. He seems really smart, so probally like a knee length dress that makes me look sophisticated and what not." I laughed, "Oh please, you got into college shouldn't that be enough for him?"

"Ha Ha, very funny. No, I want to make a good impression he seems great. Anyways who was that hunk of man you were talking to?"

"My friend. He's a professor."

"Woah, that guy is a professor?"

"Not really, but hes training to become one."

"Does he get a classroom and all too?"

"I dont know, maybe."

"Take a right.. I'd let him be my professor if ya know what I mean." "Dude! You are gross."

"What he's hot. I totally would Bang him."

"Alright enough, is it the 'Western Bar and Grill' on the hill up there?

"Yeah, it's amazing."

At the resturant I ordered some chicken tenders and fries, while Kourtney got some weird pasta with chicken. I had a bite of it and it's actually pretty good. "So, I texted Abby, she is so excited to see you! How long has it been like two years?"

"Awe! I can't wait to see her! Yeah, I wish I could say time has been less, but you know." I sighed and continued eating. Abby and I have been bestfriends about the same time Kourtney and I have. She dropped out of highschool and became some sort of stylist? I don't know, but Kourtney said she's making bank and she loves it, so that's awesome. She is really pretty, long black hair, very dark-tan skin, she actually looks like a model straight from a magazine.

"I'll pay."

"No way! My food that I ate. You know how I feel about people paying for me."

"It's fine, I want to! Your second night here, I want you to be comfortable and relaxed. Chill, I got it."

After a long time of back and forth, I finally gave in and let her pay. It wasn't that much money, but still, I didn't want her to pay for me.

We walked to the clothing store right next to the Grill. I tried to help Kourtney find something, but everything I found for her, she told me it was a date, not church. So, I looked for clothes myself.

"What about this one?" She asked, holding up a dark purple, knee length, strapless dress.

"Are you going to strip for him?"

She swatted at me, "No!" Then put the dress back on the rack.

"Here? This one is better? A little longer but No straps." She held a black dress, with ruffles along the top and stopping at the belt in the middle. "That one is so pretty! Try it on!"

She obliges and I sit on the couch in front of the dressing room. She looked beautiful in the dress. "What do you think?"

"It's gorgeous! And, it shows some sophistication." She smiled and walked back to the dressing room.

We approached the register and checked out. On the drive home, Kourtney immediatley fell asleep.

I woke her slightly and grabbdd my bags from the back seat and we walked into the lobby.

I set my bags aside, set an alarm, and fell asleep. College starts tomorrow.

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