Chapter 57

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    Mason cut the radio on and held my hand. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. "That was a great trip Mason, thank you." I told him. "Thank you for being apart of it." He grinned.

    "Are you hungry?" I nodded and we pulled into a small diner. "What can I get for you kids today?" The woman spoke. I answered while Mason stared at his menu, "I'll have the chicken tenders and fries with a water, please."

   "And for you?" She turned to Mason. "Just a hamburger, no onion, and a coke." She nodded and left.

   "So..." His phone rang and he stared at me to finish, "Go ahead and answer it." I smiled and he took it from his pocket. He looked at me, "I'm going outside real quick." I watched him walk out the doors.

   I looked at the small television on the wall and watched the weather for this region. I'm not quite sure where we are, but there is going to be some bad storms. "Here you are." The woman set our plates infront of me. "I'll be back with your drinks she smiled and left."

   It's been thirty minutes and Mason just walked in. I'm almost finished with my food. "Sorry." He mumbled and ate. Okay? After I finished I went to the restroom and came back to Mason, shoving food in his mouth.   I just sat here awkwardly, and waited for him to get done.

     He hasn't said much during the ride. He just glances at me, expressionless, and then at the road. "Hey, what's wrong?"

   "Nothing." He spoke quietly.

  "I can tell when you're..." He snapped at me, "I'm fine." I just leaned back. After a while he placed his hand on my knee, "I'm sorry. I'm just uneasy. I love you."

   "I love you." I reassured him and that made his shoulders tense and his face guilty. Is he having second thoughts? "It's okay if you don't want to marry me." He jerked his head to me, "No, no! That's not it at all. Don't think like that." I just nodded and stared ahead. Not much was said after that.

   We pulled into the apartment parking lot. Mason grabbed our bags and I got the smaller ones. "Hey." I waved and Sidney lazidly as she got out and she smiled a tired smile.

    I layed on the bed and stared at the ceiling. Mason didn't come to bed tonight. I don't know where he is. I think I made him upset, I'm not sure.

   I woke up and saw Mason's bags still packed. Should I unpack them? Where is he? I took a shower and pulled on pants and a t-shirt. I went to the kitchen and had a bowl of cereal. I sat at the table and ate. Mason walked in with his head down. Has he been crying?

   "Mason." I stood up and walked towards him. He put his hand out stopping me and wiped his eyes with his other hand. "I don't want to marry you." I knew it. "Okay, I understand. It's still early..." He interrupted me, "No, I don't want to be together either." He stared at the floor. "Okay." I whispered, holding my tears back. "Can we.. Can we talk?" He looked at me, eyes red and his voice shaky, "I don't.." he sighed and he was broke, "I don't love you." He got out. "Don't say that. You don't mean it."

   He nodded and swallowed, "I do. Sierra, I really do." He stuttered. I put my hands over my face to wipe my tears and he stared at me, broken and empty. "Do you.. Do you want your ring back?" I wiped my cheeks. He put his hand at his eyes and shook his head. I let out a miserable sigh and he looked at me. "I'm sorry."

   "Why are you doing this?" I cried.

   "To protect you."

  "Protect me from what?" He shook his head and stared at the ground, "I have to go, okay?" He walked into the bedroom and I followed him. "Mason, what are you talking about? Why are you leaving me this way?"

   "I have to keep you safe! This is the only choice I have Sierra!" He snapped.

    "Tell me! What are you afraid of?" I screamed.

   "Losing you! If I lost you, I couldn't live with myself. I want you happy. I'm doing what's best."

   "For you or us, Mason?" I asked and he shook his head. "You're losing me this way." I spoke softly.

   He grabbed his bags and pushed past me. "Mason, wait!" I called, but he kept going. I followed him into the lobby and out to the parking lot. He threw his bags into his truck. "Don't do this to us!" I yelled and he slammed his door, "There is no us! There is just you! Forget about me. I'm gone, accept it." His voice changed tones.

   I stood here and I watched him drive away. It's really done. He's gone for good. I can't get him back. I'll have to try. What's the reason behind all this? He wouldn't leave me like that. He wouldn't have hurt me like he did. He was broken too, and now he's empty. I feel his presence weaken, and his sould detach from mine..

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