Chapter 26

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    We're done arguing. But, I don't feel resolved. I'm still hurt, still broken. He is trying, but I can't be happy right now. I love that he's trying though. I told him I'm going to lunch and he looked ate with a distraught emotion. I don't know of he was sad I'm not spending time with him or not.

    I dressed in a dark green dress. It has half sleeved and reaches past my knees. I curled my hair and wore light make-up. "Hey, I know you're still hurting, but I am trying to do my best." He said unsure. I put down my curling iron and I walked over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my face into his chest. He embraced me. I felt his happiness and warmth. "You look beautiful, by the way." He said through my hair. "I figured you would want me out of this dress." He laughed and touched my chin with his finger, bringing it up. I long for him. "I love you." He spoke softly. "I love you." I affirmed. He smiled and gently touched his lips to mine. I felt them tremble. I felt his hand shake as he landed it on my waist. I felt his breath release as he kissed me. Most of all, I felt him happy. Him happy, made me happy. Right now, it's perfect.

    "You have a test tomorrow." I smiled. "Don't remind me I have to study."

   "I can give you the cheat sheet?" He looked at me more serious. Even though I am in his class, I am not cheating. I told him that. I am just another student in the classroom. "I'll be fine." He smiled and kissed me again, "Have fun."


    "So, ya'll are okay?" Ashton asked me. "Yeah, were fine. You were right."

   "He couldn't stay away that long." I laughed and waved at Kourtney as her, Abby, and Sidney walked into the resturant. "It is colder than a Witches titty out there." Kourtney laughed at sat down as Abby put her coat on her chair. "I have some big news." Abby spoke proudly. "You're a bitch?" Ashton grinned. "No asshole. I'm pregnant." All of our jaws literally hit the table. "Congrats!" Kourtney screeched. "I'm the god-mother right?" Ashton asked. "That is so great Abby. A baby is one of life's greatest blessings!" I spoke sincerely.

    "A baby is a big responsibillity."

  "Sidney I know, but Sean decided it would be good for us."

   "Sean? He decided? Do you even want a baby?" I harshly chimed in. "Of course I want a baby!"

    "Let me rephrase the question. Are you Ready for a baby?" She looked down and then back at me. "He has a job, and he's going to move in with me as soon as the baby comes."

    "Why not now?" Kourtney was so into the conversation. "Because, we'll get tired of eachother." She shyly smiled. "Well, I am happy for you. Kourtney, how's Todd?"

    "We broke up."

  "I'm sorry."

     "But I met this really cute guy in the apartments. His name is Cade." I forgot she met him. "Yeah, he's Mason's brother. He told me he met you." She lit up. "We have a date tonight! You and Mason should double with us!" Double date? "Yeah, ask Cade and tell him to text Mason."

   I was almost done eating my lunch when Mason texted me,

     *Don't eat too much. I want to take you out tonight on a double date with Cade and Kourtney. I love you.*  I love this man and I texted him back, *I love you. Sounds great!*

    There was no sense in changing since I already looked good. I touched up my make-up and hair. "You look good Cade."

    "You sure? It's not too much? I don't look like a douche?"

   "It's nice. Calm down, it's going to be great." He smiled at me. Mason walked into the living room with blue jeans, a red plaid shirt, his boots, and his beard... Good lord this man was sexy. "Babe, you look.. hot." He smiled and put his jacket on me. "Not as hot as you. Were all going to take your truck it has more room."

    "I don't have any g...." He interrupted me, "I put some in it when you were at lunch."

   We walked to Kourtney's and knocked. She opened the door wearing this beautiful dark blue dress that hit her curves well. She was gorgeous and Cade had his jaw on the floor. "Wow, um, you look.. damn. I mean, You look Amazing!" Awe, he's speechless. "Thanks." She smiled.

    "So are you guys up for Giovannis?" Mason asked us. I know Kourtney doesn't like pastas, "How about the Roadhouse place?" He nodded.

    We walked in the resturant and Mason pulled my chair out for me. When Cade saw him do it, he scrambled for Kourtney's chair. It was funny watching him be all nervous.

   I was eating when Mason leaned overa and kissed me. "I hope you like fry seasoning." I smiled lightly. He looked at the guy at the table across from us. "Really?"

    "What he was checking you out."

       "Alot of people check you out!"

    "Grab my butt then." What? Kourtney and I laughed as Cade sat there awkwardly and then decided to laugh. "I got to go to the ladies room. Kourtney?"

   The boys stood up as we walked away.  "Cade is so nervous."

   "I know. I still want to fuck him tonight though."

    "Ya'll just met.."

        "So? You trust him."

    "Well alright then."

         "I'll take him home with me so you and Mason can have a little mm time." She snickered.

   "That was so good! Thank you guys!" Kourtney smiled at the boys. We got up from the table and began walking out when Mason's grabbed my butt. "Mason."

    "Can I not show off my gorgeous gal?"

   The car ride home was nice, I think I fell asleep. Yeah, I did. He gently shook me slightly and and helped me out of the truck.

    I layed on the bed and he pulled my shoes off, the started massaging my feet. "Where's Cade?"

    "Him and Kourtney took off." He smiled. Of course they did. I leaned up, "You like touching my feet?" He crawled over mean and kissed me. "I like touching you."

   I moved my tounge along with his. I started to unbutton the buttons down the front of his shirt and I brushed it off. He pulled up my dress and kissed my shoulder. I moved my hands to his pants but he pulled from me, "Are you sure? We just had this fight, and I don't want to take advantage of you."

    "I need you." I spoke softly and he pushed his lips into mine. He unbuttoned my bra and slid off my panties. I pulled his boxers down and took him into my mouth. I sucked and he leaned his head back. I ran my hand up and down him, then placed him back in my mouth. His hips rolled into my throat and I gagged. "Sorry." He said shyly. He pulled away from me, kissed my neck, and layed down. I climbed on top of him.

   I rolled my hips forward and making circular motions. He moaned and watched me. I gained speed and he leaned up. He held my back and layed me down. He thrusted into me. I felt his hips swivell and I motioned mine with his. He hovered over me. Our sweat was making us shiver. I swallowed his moans. "Let's try a new position." He said. And instructed me to lie on my belly, I did. He inserted himself back into me. I felt his hands dig into my butt and he kissed my shoulder. I moaned and he got faster.

   I couldn't move, I was stuck. I didn't want to stop the pleasuring. He sent me on my edge, and soon I felt his body crash into mine.

    He pulled the covers over us, "My parents want us to go to theirs for Christmas." He whispered in my ear. Is it December already? What the hell? What day is it today?  "Sounds good. I don't know what to get them though."

    "We can go shopping after school?"

      "Perfect. Oh, I have to study!" I got up, wrapping the blanket over my body and grabbed my bookbag. He pulled the covers over himself and watched me study. "There is some really tricky questions on it."

    "I want a fair grade, like everyone else."

     "Alright then."

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