The secret life chapter 11 The cyberplanner suprise

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It was a friday. A couple days after missy texted me. I was texting Alex again. When I got a text from an unexpected person. "Hello my dear" I looked at the text. This definitely wasn't alex. "Doctor?" "Kind of.." I looked at it. What does it mean by kind of. I don't think this is the Doctor. "Kind of?.. what's up?" I waited. "Oh, CYBERPLANNER THINGS.." The cyberplanner... can't be good. "Cyberplanner!?" I texted in my suprise. "Hello again" I knew I didn't want to talk to my enemy "oh. Really. .blimey. " I look away from the screen wondering what he is up to. He texts "how's life dear?" Looking back at the screen "why should I tell you?"

"Because I have the Doctors mind" hearing this I didn't like it. "Let the Doctor go." I demanded. "No." He wasn't just going to let him go. So I decided to ask him questions. Since he decided to talk to me. "Question cyberplanner. You've been working with the master haven't you?" "I. Will say yes." I thought about it. Knowing what the had seen, having the theory that he was working with him. "Knew it!" "You did?" I smiled at him not knowing I know. "I'm good at figuring things out." Still smiling I watch as he sends the next text. "You are. We could use that skill you know... put the master in your head " Realizing I just gave him an idea I stray away. "Uh..well no." He continues. "But we will. You may feel a slight pulse before he becomes part of your mind." I stared at the screen wanting answers more then paying attention to what he was saying. "Another question. Why is he so Interested in me? Keeps watching me" He texts back answering my question. "He is interested in the powers you hold. He wants them. And he is in the back of your mind now." Hearing him in my mind I knew it was true. So that's why he was so interested in me. "Ugh.. really. I've had enough of him. Btw quick fact. I don't know how to use my powers. So he won't be able to use them." He replies "He can trigger them and make them work. Upgrade" figures he would use that word. I think about what he said "hmm even though I don't know how." "Yes." I think if the master is going to be stuck in my head I might as well know the details."ok. So when does he take over?"

He continued telling me the details "He won't take over for a long time. Several years" "how long? And in the meantime?" "3-4 years. In the meantime he will dig into your memories and unearth old ones" this isn't good I think. "Why is he waiting?" "He is waiting until you are ready for him to take over" "Well then.." I reply not liking the fact of my eneenemy inside my head. And waiting to take me over. "Are you working with the master and missy?"He answered "both and more. He's in your mind now." I roll my eyes knowing that already. "Yeah I caught on" He doesn't text for a few moments and I just stare at the screen comprehending what the situation is. "Do you have school tomorrow. I wonder if you have school." I wondered what he meant by that. But then he left. I didn't like knowing what he meant. He's planning something. That can't be good.

I got another text. "Haga.. ughh.. crystal? You there?" "Hello? Doctor?" "It's the Doctor. What happened?" I briefed what I had just found and was told about the cyberplanner and the master in my head now. I told of the master wanting to take over me in the far future. Cause his interest in my powers. The Doctor listed my powers. That I had knew about but never seen in action "your powers are:Invisibility ,Telekinesis,Telepathy,Teleportation And seeing ghosts." I had heard these before but the ghost seeing one I had no idea about. He continued "and one they won't tell me about" I think. "Seeing ghosts?" "Yeah." I wasn't to fond of that one but the strange things I've seen in my childhood I guess it made sense. I was wondering wondering what the secret one was. I told him that this wasn't good. And he continued "don't worry sherlock is on it."

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